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That is often done by pardners of both sects, when they feel real guilty, to try to draw attention off their own misdoin's, by findin' fault with their pardners. It has been done time and agin, and I spoze will be, as long as man is man, and woman is woman. When I told him that I rid down there with Deacon Gansey, that man acted jealous and mad as a hen.

I know half a dozen loud-prayers, now, dat 'd be on'y too glad to 'tract attention away f'om dey own misdoin's by rakin' out scandalizemint on a dead 'oman. Dey'd 'spute de legalness of dat marriage in a minute, jes to keep folks f'om lookin' up dey own weddin' papers yas, 'm.

Yo' grandaddy 'll fin' out 'bout you yit, ef you don' min' yo' P's an' Q's. I does my bes' ter keep yo' misdoin's f'm 'im, an' sense I b'en tu'ned out er de chu'ch thoo no fault er my own, God knows! I've tol' lies 'nuff 'bout you ter sink a ship.

But ther' ain't no right on this blamed earth fer any feller to whoop it up at another feller's misdoin's, an' his ultimate undoin'. An' you kin take it how you fancy when I say only the heart of a louse could feel that-a-way an' that's about the lowest I know how to hand you." Bud's eyes were shining dangerously. They were squarely looking into the hard face of the saloon-keeper.