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Hastings had been successful; and success but too often throws a charm round injustice, like the dazzle of the necromancer's shield in Ariosto, before which every one falls "Con gli occhi abbacinati, e senza mente." The feelings, therefore, of the public were, at the outset of the prosecution, rather for than against the supposed delinquent.

I have been so little accustomed to disguise my feelings, that I quite tremble to meet him with so many witnesses around. Mr. Mandeville has been so harsh to me to-day; if Falkland ever looked at me so, or ever said one such word, my heart would indeed break. What is it Alfieri says about the two demons to whom he is for ever a prey? "La mente e il cor in perpetua lite."

Cat. 3, 16 tam diu, dum urbis moenibus continebatur; Off. 1, 2 tam diu ... quoad ... MENTE ... RATIONE ... COGITATIONE: 'by thought, by reasoning, by imagination'. Cogitatio like διανοια has often the sense of 'imagination'. The close juxtaposition of words nearly synonymous is quite characteristic of Cicero's Latin. QUIDEM: concessive, as in 32 and often.

Sit igitur hoc ab initio persuasum civibus, dominos esse omnium rerum ac moderatores deos; eaque, quæ gerantur, eorum geri vi, ditione, ac numine; eosdemque optime de genere hominum mereri; et qualis quisque sit, quid agat, quid in se admittat, qua mente, qua pietate colat religiones intueri: piorum et impiorum habere rationem.

Hinc patriae proditiones, 40 hinc rerum publicarum eversiones, hinc cum hostibus clandestina colloquia nasci; nullum denique scelus, nullum malum facinus esse ad quod suscipiendum non libido voluptatis impelleret; stupra vero et adulteria et omne tale flagitium nullis excitari aliis illecebris nisi voluptatis; cumque homini sive natura sive quis deus nihil mente praestabilius dedisset, huic divino muneri ac dono nihil tam esse inimicum quam voluptatem. 41 Nec enim libidine dominante temperantiae locum esse, neque omnino in voluptatis regno virtutem posse consistere.

"Lo giorno che costei nel mondo venne, Secondo che si trova Nel libro della mente che vien meno, La mia persona parvola sostenne Una passion nova." That day when she unto the world attained, As is found written true Within the book of my now sinking soul, Then by my childish nature was sustained A passion new.

Yet it was a service of the body made incredibly lovely in actuality and still never to be grasped. Never to be won. It ought to be clear to you that realized it would diminish into quite a different thing "'La figlia della sua mente, l'amorosa idea." His voice grew so faint that Linda could scarcely distinguish articulate sounds. All that he said, without meaning for her, stirred her heart.

Although the real interaction of body and mind be denied, some explanation must, at least, be given for the appearance of interaction, i.e. for the actual correspondence of bodily and mental phenomena. Occasionalism denotes the theory of occasional causes. Louis de la Forge, a physician of Saumur, Tractatus de Mente Humana, 1666, previously published in French; cf. Seyfarth, Gotha, 1887.

"I want to know," continued Kárpáthy, in a solemn voice, "whether my little brother Bélá is here?" Palko made a wry face at these words, and dropped the velvet brush with which he was just preparing to smooth out the collar of his master's mente. "What! that weather-cock?" "Come, come! None of that! Don't you know that a Kárpáthy should always be spoken of respectfully?"

At the end of twelve months your Whitsun Kingship will be over, you will doff your genteel mummery, and become the leader of my heydukes. You shall then don the red mente, and wait upon those very gentlemen with whom you have been drinking and dicing for a whole year; you shall help into their carriages the same little wenches with whom you used to make merry. I consider that a very good joke.