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"The chief Deity of the Tagalas is called Bathala mei Capal, and also Diuata; and their principal idolatry consists in adoring those of their ancestors who signalised themselves for courage or abilities, calling them Humalagar, i.e. manes: They make slaves of the people who do not keep silence at the tombs of their ancestors.

If I could only cease to think of you for one day, only one day, just to breathe, and walk, and see the sky, without your image returning to haunt my poor head which is racked by this hallucination, and troubled? My God! have pity on me. I did not ask for this dreadful fate; it is Thou that hast sent it to me. Why dost Thou punish me? Oh, my God, have pity on me! Miserere mei, Domine.

"Oro supplex et acclinis Cor contritum quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis. . . . . Lacrymosa dies illa, " Driven to utter desperation, Varillo stood for a moment inert, then, suddenly catching sight of a rope hanging from one of the windows close at hand, he rushed to it and pulled it furiously.

An eis, quae iuventute geruntur et viribus? Nullaene igitur res sunt seniles, quae vel infirmis corporibus animo tamen administrentur? Nihil ergo agebat Q. Maximus, nihil L. Paulus, pater tuus, socer optimi viri fili mei?

Ribaut answered, "I and all here are of the Reformed Faith." And he recited the Psalm, "Domine, memento mei." "We are of earth," he continued, "and to earth we must return; twenty years more or less can matter little;" and, turning to the Adelantado, he bade him do his will. The stony-hearted bigot gave the signal; and those who will may paint to themselves the horrors of the scene.

But subsequently, Hsueeh P'an's cousin Hsueeh K'o, whose father had, when on a visit years ago to the capital, engaged his uterine sister to the son of the Han-lin Mei, whose residence was in the metropolis, came while planning to go and consummate the marriage, to learn of Wang Jen's departure, so taking his sister with him, he kept in his track till he managed to catch him up.

Gothic sculptured doorways and shields and coats of arms, crosses and armorial legends, are set in the walls, partially defaced by time and the respect of Suleiman for the Knights, have spared the mementos of their faith and prowess. I saw no inscriptions that are intact, but made out upon one shield the words "voluntas mei est." The carving is all beautiful.

In the theatres, they had composed an epigram about her: When Tu Shih-niang comes to a banquet The guests drink a thousand great cups Instead of a single small one. When Tu Mei appears upon the stage The actresses look like devils.

Margaret wrenched her mind away from the picture which his words had painted for her, the Kaiser on his knees! Miserere mei, Deus With quick breath, "Yes, dear." "Then why doesn't He stop it, Mother?" Why? Why? Why? Older voices were asking that question in agony. "He will do it in His own good time, dearest. Perhaps the world has a lesson to learn."

Cataract of Bombwe. 16 56 33 . . . 1853, Aug. 1 Kale Cataract. 16 49 52 . . . 1855, Aug. 21 . 1 Falls of Gonye. 16 38 50 23 55 0 |1853, Aug. 2| |1855, Aug. 19| 1 2 Nameta. 16 12 9 . . . Aug. 17 . 2 Seori sa Mei, 16 0 32 . . . 1853, Aug. 5 or Island of Water. Litofe Island, town of. 15 55 0 . . . Aug. 6 Loyela, S. end of this 15 27 30 . . . Aug. 9 island, town of Mamochisane.