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I t'ink p'raps dat plan he go all right. You was get heem mad plaintee easy. Den maybee he is sen' you out toute suite maybee he is shoot you." "I'll take the chances my friend." " oui," shrugged Achille Picard, "eet is wan chance." He commenced to roll another cigarette.

You was get heem mad plaintee easy. Den maybee he is sen' you out toute suite maybee he is shoot you." "I'll take the chances my friend." "Ba oui," shrugged Achille Picard, "eet is wan chance." He commenced to roll another cigarette.

There is, of course, the possibility of the Unknown Last Line of the Saaamaaa Ritual being uttered; but it is too uncertain to count upon, and the danger is too hideous; and even then it has no power to protect for more than 'maybee fyve beats of the harte, as the Sigsand has it.

Silvo, the younger, declared that he could never go on to Utah; that he and his double bass had reached their ultimate destination. The elder was more crafty; he asked Miguel Ramas whether there would be "plenty more girls like that A Salt Lake, maybee?" Silvo, overhearing, gave his brother a contemptuous glance. "Plenty more A PARAISO may-bee!" he retorted.

Maybee you is catch dem, maybee you is keel dem wit' bow an' arrow. Dat's not beeg chance. You mus' geev dose coureurs de bois de sleep w'en you arrive. Voila, I geev you my knife!" He glanced rapidly to right and left, then slipped a small object into the stranger's hand. "Ba, I t'ink does ole man is know dat.

Take Irby! he is, as you say, a nincompoop" she had dropped into English "and seldom sober, mais take him! 't is the las' call of the auctioneer, yo' fav-oreet auctioneer with the pointed ears and the forked black tail." Flora replied from a mirror with her back turned: "I'll thing ab-out it. And maybee yes!

S'pose you do dat, dose coureurs keel you toute suite. Dey is have good excuse, an' you is have nothing to mak' de fight. You sleep away, and dose ole man is sen' out plaintee Injun. Dey is fine you sure. , eef he sen' you out, den he sen' onlee two Injun. Maybee you fight dem; I don' know. Non, mon ami, eef you is wan' get away w'en dose ole man he don' know eet, you mus' have dose carabine.

You sleep away, and dose ole man is sen' out plaintee Injun. Dey is fine you sure. Ba, eef he sen' you out, den he sen' onlee two Injun. Maybee you fight dem; I don' know. Non, mon ami, eef you is wan' get away w'en dose ole man he don' know eet, you mus' have dose carabine. Den you is have wan leetle chance.

Dick Henderson is say dose Injun is Ojibway Injun Ojibway Injun two t'ousand mile wes' on Peace Reever! Dat's curi's!" "I was tell you nodder story " went on Achille, after a moment. "Never mind," interrupted the Trader. "I believe you." "Maybee," said Achille cheerfully, "you stan' some show not moche eef he sen' you out pret' queeck. Does small perdrix is yonge, an' dose duck.

"Let me carry it to her," cried Flora to Greenleaf, rapturously clasping the letter and smiling heroically. "We can overtague them, me and my gran'mama! And then, thanks be to God! my brother we can bring him back! Maybe also ah! maybee! I can obtain yo' generals some uzeful news!" After some delay the pair were allowed to go.