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Flora's her cousin, through Steve, and if she ever marries Captain Irby she'll be Hilary's cousin, and " There, suddenly and once for all, the theme was dropped. Some man's quick word broke in. Fort Morgan had veiled itself in the smoke of its own broadside. Now came its thunder and the answering flame and roar of the Brooklyn's bow-chaser. The battle had begun.

Irby inquired whose it was, Anna called it anonymous, and Flora, divining that the giver was Anna, felt herself outrageously robbed.

And there's another thing his uncle! You know ab-out that, I su'pose?" "Yes, but he come, they'll be sending " "No, no! a moment! Anna! Ah, Anna, you are too wise for me! Anna, do you think" the pair stood in the room with the inquirer's eyes on the floor "you think his cousin is like that?" Anna kissed her temples, one in pity, the other in joy: "No, dear, he's not Adolphe Irby is not."

His wife was created a peeress of Great Britain at the same time that Mr. Spencer, Mr. Doddington, Sir Richard Grosvenor, Sir Nat. Curzen, Sir Thomas Robinson, and Sir William Irby were created peers.

Irby promptly brought the sheet to the Valcours' lodgings, but Flora was out. When she came in, before she could lay off her pretty hat: "You've heard it!" cried the excited grandam. "But why so dead-alive? Once more the luck is yours! Play your knave! play Irby! He's just been here! He will return! He will propose this evening if you allow him! Let him do it! Let him! Mobile may fall any day!

With him they turned west, again by rail, and about sundown, at Big Black Bridge, ten miles east of Vicksburg, found themselves clasping hands in open air with General Brodnax, Irby and Kincaid, close before the torn brigade and the wasted, cheering battery.

That way she moved stumblingly and near the edge of a small clear space cried once more, "Hilary!... Hilary!" Faintly the bearer of that name heard the call; heard it rise from a quarter fearfully nearer the foe's line than to his; caught it with his trained ear as, just beyond sight of Irby, Miranda, and others, he stood in amazed converse with Flora Valcour.

Now, however, with him away and with General Canby ruling in place of Banks, she and her dear fragile old grandmother could breathe a little. They breathed much. We need not repeat that the younger was a gifted borrower. She did other things equally well; resumed a sagacious activity, a two-sided tact, and got Irby paroled.

At the other end, with Irby and Mandeville at his two elbows, General Brodnax conversed with Kincaid and Bartleson, the weather-faded red and gray of whose uniforms showed in odd contrast to the smartness all about them. Now he gave their words a frowning attention, and now answered abruptly: "Humph!

In a breath they were by us and under the wire, but which of the three was first I could not determine. Instantly there was a babel of voices, in which Senator Irby, Peytonia and Flora Thornton were severally declared to have won, and a general movement toward the judges' stand was inaugurated for the purpose of learning "the official."