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S'pose you do dat, dose coureurs keel you toute suite. Dey is have good excuse, an' you is have nothing to mak' de fight. You sleep away, and dose ole man is sen' out plaintee Injun. Dey is fine you sure. , eef he sen' you out, den he sen' onlee two Injun. Maybee you fight dem; I don' know. Non, mon ami, eef you is wan' get away w'en dose ole man he don' know eet, you mus' have dose carabine.

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub. Purty soon dose voyageur is get fat, is go sof'; he no good for dose trail. Ole man he mak' heem go ver' far off, mos' to Whale Reever. Eet is plaintee cole. Dat voyageur, he freeze to hees inside. Dey tell me he feex heem like dat."

He fumbled in his pockets and unwrapped a gift cigar, then felt for a match. Poleon tossed one on the bar, and he reached for it twice, missing it each time. "I guess dose new frien' of yours is mak' you purty full, M'sieu' Tin Vest." "Nothin' of the sort. I've got a bad dose of indigestion." "Dat's 'orrible disease! Dere's plaintee riche man die on dat seecknesse. You better lie down."

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub. Purty soon dose voyageur is get fat, is go sof; he no good for dose trail. Ole man he mak' heem go ver' far off, mos' to Whale Reever. Eet is plaintee cole. Dat voyageur, he freeze to hees inside. Dey tell me he feex heem like dat."

Ba, eef you is not have heem dose carabine, you mus' need dose leetle grub he geev you, and not plaintee Injun follow you, onlee two." "And I cannot get the rifle." "An' dose ole man is don' sen' you out till eet is too late for mak' de grub on de fores'. Dat's w'at I t'ink. Dat ees not fonny for you." Ned Trent's eyes were almost black with thought. Suddenly he threw his head up.

"He is so reech he put blankets on the floor to walk on, w'at you call carrpitt. Every day he has a white cloth on the table, and a little one to wipe his hands! I have seen it! And silver dishes!" "There is style for you!" said Peter, with a whimsical roll of his eye in Ambrose's direction. "There is moch farming by the river at Fort Enterprise," Poly went on; "and plaintee grain grow.

"Wal," he began, nervously, clearing his throat, "it's lak' dis. Dere's feller been talk some 'bout Necia, an' it ain' nice talk neider." "Who is he?" exclaimed the soldier, in a tone that made the girl's heart leap. "Wait! Lemme tol' you w'at he say, den we'll talk 'bout feex 'im plaintee.

You was get heem mad plaintee easy. Den maybee he is sen' you out toute suite maybee he is shoot you." "I'll take the chances my friend." "Ba oui," shrugged Achille Picard, "eet is wan chance." He commenced to roll another cigarette.

Den you is have wan leetle chance. , eef you is not have heem dose carabine, you mus' need dose leetle grub he geev you, and not plaintee Injun follow you, onlee two." "And I cannot get the rifle." "An' dose ole man is don' sen' you out till eet is too late for mak' de grub on de fores'. Dat's w'at I t'ink. Dat ees not fonny for you." Ned Trent's eyes were almost black with thought.

"No, I bus' it up on de face an' de rib, but she's feelin' good now. Yes. I'm leave 'im nice place for stop an' wait on de steamboat plaintee spruce bough for set on." She began to shudder again, and, sensitive to her every motion, he asked, solicitously, if she were sick, but she shook her head. "I I was thinking what supposing you hadn't come? Oh, Poleon! you don't know what you saved me from."