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He then catches the idea of rural tranquillity; but soon discovers how much happier he should be in these happy regions, with Lycoris at his side: Hic gelidi fontes, hic mollia prata, Lycori: Hic nemus, hic ipso tecum consumerer oevo. Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis Tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes. Ah te ne frigora laedant! Ah tibi ne teneras glacies secet aspera plantas!

Veteres actus, primamque juventam Prosequar? Ad sese mentem praesentia ducunt. Narrem justitiam? Resplendet gloria Martis. Armati referam vires? Plus egit inermis. Shall I pursue his old exploits and early youth? His recent merits recall the mind to themselves. Shall I dwelt on his justice? The glory of the warrior rises before me resplendent. Shall I relate his strength in arms?

I accordingly directed my steps across the Pont & Place de la Concorde, traversed the street of the same name; and, following the Boulevard for a certain distance, struck off to the left, that is, towards the north, in order to gain the summit of In ancient times, there stood on this hill a temple dedicated to Mars, whence the name Mons Martis, of which has been made Montmartre.

Here is the Via Giulio Romano, where the painter himself once lived; here is the Macel dei Corvi, where Michael Angelo once lodged; hard by stood the statue of Marforio, christened by the mediæval Romans after Martis Forum, and famous as the interlocutor of Pasquino. The place was a centre of artists and scholars in those days.

Although Julian had been educated in a convent and at a university, he seems to have understood the art of war, for he defeated the invaders and then retired to Lutetia Parisiorum. The legions had marched up the Mons Martis or Martyrorum, as it was called by turns.

Horrentia Martis arma is worse than any of the rest. Horrentia is such a flat epithet as Tully would have given us in his verses. It is a mere filler to stop a vacancy in the hexameter, and connect the preface to the work of Virgil. Our author seems to sound a charge, and begins like the clangour of a trumpet: "Arma, virumque cano, Trojae qui primus ab oris,"

I know one or two of the temple servants, and they will give me the use of their rooms. There I will have ready some slave dresses for a disguise, and just across the Æmilian bridge I will have some fast horses waiting that is, if you can give me an order on your stables." The Ædes Martis of the Campus Martius. Drusus took off his signet ring. "Show that to Pausanias.

"Ah! parbleu, I always am; but what is it about just now?" "You wish to know who is the brave creature who has followed the MM. de Joyeuse through fire and water?" "You have just hit it, 'per mille pericula Martis! as Margot would say. Apropos, have you written to her, Aurilly?" "To whom, monseigneur?" "To my sister Margot." "Had I to write to her?" "Certainly." "About what?"

"Because my art, and my heart too, tells me that your fortunes and his are linked together. I have studied my tables, but they would not answer. Then I cast lots in Virgilius " "And what found you there?" asked he, anxiously. "I opened at the lines, 'Pacem me exanimis et Martis sorte peremptis Oratis? Equidem et vivis concedere vellem." "And what means that?"

Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis, Tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes; For cruel love had gartan'd low my leg, And clad my hurdies in a philabeg. Although, indeed, ye wear the trews, a garment whilk I approve maist of the twa, as mair ancient and seemly. 'Or rather, said Fergus, 'hear my song: