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Now we have to do it all over again!" growled Fracasse distractedly as he looked around at the faces hugging the cover of the shoulder faces asking, What next? each in its own way; faces blank and white; faces with lips working and eyes blinking; faces with the blood rushing back to cheeks in baffled anger. One, however, was half smiling Hugo Mallin's.

Maybe Leonard Kellogg saw that, too, and saw profits for the Company in Fuzzy fur. The airjeeps returned in the middle of the afternoon, first Mallin's, and then Kellogg's. Everybody went inside. An hour later, a constabulary car landed in front of the Kellogg camp. George Lunt and Ahmed Khadra got out. Kellogg came outside, spoke with them and then took them into the main living hut.

"Does anybody want to ask the witness any questions?" the Chief Justice was asking. "I don't," Captain Greibenfeld said. "Do you, Lieutenant?" "No, I don't think so," Lieutenant Ybarra said. "Dr. Mallin's given us a very lucid statement of his opinions." He had, at that, after he'd decided he couldn't beat the veridicator. Jack found himself sympathizing with Mallin.

He rang the bell; and after he had sent for Mallin, warming under the compliment of her last remark, he dared a reconnaissance along the line of inquiry which he had wanted to undertake from the first. "Mallin's ideas about war seem to be a great deal like your own," he hinted casually. "As I expressed them at the hotel, you mean!" she exclaimed. "That seems ages ago ages!"

They were all shooed out into the hall, and one of the deputies was dropped there with the prisoner. The middle office was empty. Fane took his badgeholder in his left hand as he pushed through the door to the inner office. Kellogg's temporarily Mallin's secretary seemed to have preceded them by a few seconds; she was standing in front of the desk sputtering incoherently.

Marta Galland's thoughts at dusk when she returned up the steps to the house were much the same as Hugo Mallin's after Fracasse had taken the knoll. While he had felt the hot whirlwind of war in his face, she had witnessed the wreckage that it left. She also was seeing fathers staring and mothers weeping.

He could think of only one thing that would ever heal the wound. Perhaps the chance for it would come some day. "Yes," she went on, "sitting there so comfortably and serenely and deciding that a man who was ready to die for his convictions must be shot for cowardice! My views are like Hugo Mallin's and my back is against the wall. But to the work, Lanny!

Maybe it was beginning to dawn on him that the Federation courts were bigger than the chartered Zarathustra Company after all. Or maybe he just thought there'd been a revolution. Leonard Kellogg's temporarily Ernst Mallin's office was on the first floor of the penthouse, counting down from the top landing stage.

The Fuzzies had gotten sleepy, and had been bribed with Extee Three to stay up a little longer. Immediately, they registered interest. This was more fun than the viewscreen. Jimenez introduced his companions as Gerd van Riebeek and Ruth Ortheris. "Ruth is with Dr. Mallin's section; she's been working with the school department and the juvenile court.

Why, they could sit down with pencils and slide rules and start working differential calculus and it wouldn't convince him." "Dr. Mallin's trying to " she began angrily. Then she broke it off. "Jack, excuse us. We didn't really come over here to have a fight. We came to meet some Fuzzies. Didn't we, Goldilocks?"