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But of the Mala Vita there is evidence enough. Every large city, where people exist under unwholesome conditions, has some such phenomenon. In Palermo we have the traditional Mafia a state of mind, if you will, ineradicable and all-pervasive.

O geron, e mala de se neoi teirousi machetai, Ze de bin lelutai, chalepon de se geras opazei. Dotard, new warriors urge thee to be gone. Thy life decays, and old age weighs thee down.

It was as smooth as a pond, and for some reason sharks are unknown in the Placid Gulf, though on the other side of the Punta Mala the coastline swarms with them. The Capataz seized hold of the stern and blew with force. A queer, faint feeling had come over him while he swam. He had got rid of his boots and coat in the water. He hung on for a time, regaining his breath.

In this implicit confidence in the friar's impartiality, Orgonez, of a less sanguine temper than his chief, did not participate.23 An interview was arranged between the rival chiefs. It took place at Mala, November 13th, 1537; but very different was the deportment of the two commanders towards each other from that which they had exhibited at their former meetings.

The revilers of war are like the revilers of thunder, storms, and volcanoes; they know not what they do. Civilization tends to corrupt men, as large towns tend to vitiate the air. "Nos patimur longae pacis mala." Catastrophes bring about a violent restoration of equilibrium; they put the world brutally to rights.

Langton repeated: 'Five-poundon elendeto, ah! mala simplos. For Joshua Barnes see post, 1780, in Mr. Langton's Collection. See ante, iii. 78. Dr. Johnson, describing her needle-work in one of his letters to Mrs. Thrale, vol. i. p. 326, uses the learned word sutile; which Mrs. Thrale has mistaken, and made the phrase injurious by writing 'futile pictures. BOSWELL. See post, p. 299.

Philippe de Mala, as he was called, resolved to behave well and worthily to serve his protector, but he saw in this mysterious Council many men leading a dissolute life and yet not making less, nay gaining more indulgences, gold crowns and benefices than all the other virtuous and well-behaved ones.

But if by correctness be meant the conforming to a narrow legislation which, while lenient to the mala in se, multiplies, without a shadow of a reason, the mala prohibita, if by correctness be meant a strict attention to certain ceremonious observances, which are no more essential to poetry than etiquette to good government, or than the washings of a Pharisee to devotion, then, assuredly, Pope may be a more correct poet than Shakspeare; and, if the code were a little altered, Colley Cibber might be a more correct poet than Pope.

He was next conducted by the marshal to his quarters, where he partook of a collation in company with the principal officers; several of whom, together with Diego Almagro, the general's son, afterward escorted the cavalier to his brother's camp, which had been transferred to the neighboring town of Mala.

Philippe de Mala mounted the stairs as lightly as a greyhound in love, and was guided by delectable odour of perfume to certain chamber where, surrounded by her handmaidens, the lady of the house was divesting herself of her attire. He stood quite dumbfounded like a thief surprised by sergeants. The lady was without petticoat or head-dress.