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A few days ago I happened to say that I wished we had some game for our old father, and now now " "Calm yourself," interrupted Mr. Fabian, extending his hand and enforcing his consolation by a love-tap upon Magde's shoulder. In her affliction Magde did not withdraw from this salute, and Mr.

Magde's two children were seated upon his knees, while Carl was standing before him relating all that had transpired during his imprisonment. The cloud which had rested upon the old man's brow changed instantly to an expression of joy when he beheld Magde the wife of his beloved son, enter the room.

Gottlieb was on the point of rushing forward to receive his loved relative in his arms and thus preventing him from injuring his precious limbs, when the sound of Magde's voice prevented him from rendering this important service to his uncle. "There, that will do," said she, "we can now converse without inconvenience to either of us. I hope Mr. H has not hurt himself."

Gottlieb who could observe and overhear all that occurred, or was said in Magde's chamber, could scarcely refrain from laughter as he saw his good uncle retreating before the virtuous woman until he arrived at the window from which he somewhat clumsily descended.

"Well," said he, assuming a comfortable position, "I can touch you, at least, now." "Yes," replied Nanna seriously, for she was musing on Magde's words of caution, "yes, you can; but I do not wish you to." "You do not?" "I do not," replied she firmly. "What an obstinate little creature you are!" "You desired to know what I have read," said Nanna, wishing to change the subject of conversation.

Thus saying Carl strode across the floor to his own chamber where he again seated himself upon his chair and resumed his former occupation; but he did not profane them with his nostrils, for now he regarded them in a holier light. They were Magde's gift. While he was thus happily engaged, a messenger arrived at the cottage to disturb him.

"And why should that affect you so?" replied Nanna, astonished at Magde's caution. "O, only that poor women who wish to preserve their fair fame, are not allowed to go out when they choose." "What did you say?" "I say that the sun, earth, water, trees, and flowers, are made only for the rich, who can admire them from their fine carriages and pleasure yachts." "But, dear Magde, you have always "

All these little valuables Magde had gathered together, after she had put the children to bed, in the hope that she might find some few articles among them that would save her from disposing of the cow. But her search, undoubtedly, had proved fruitless, for Magde's ornaments were made almost entirely of bronze.

During the winter Carl had been confined to his bed, but at the present time he occupied his father's arm-chair, which the old man had relinquished to him. He usually sat in a corner near Magde's spinning wheel and his father's bed-room door.

He now determined that after his duties at home were performed, to go among the neighbors; not to be a nurse for their children, as before, but to work for wages, and after this when he returned and placed the money on Magde's weaving loom, a bright object might have been discovered glistening upon the crumpled bank-note. It was a tear of joy which Carl had shed.