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Brushing aside the coverlet of fowl I followed him tip-toe across the dewy mead to the tarpaulin which he and MacTavish call "home." Albert Edward lifted a flap and signed me to peep within. It was, as he had promised, a pretty picture. At the foot of our MacTavish's mattress, under a spare blanket lifted from that warrior in his sleep, lay a large pink pig.

There was an unusual pot of jam on the table. She looked at it in surprise as she sat down. "That is some of Mrs. Mactavish's bramble jelly that she sent up for the funeral; I thought we'd not be needing it just then. But now I see it's beginning to get mildewed.

That's waiting for the week after next, when the Agpur frontier business comes up for settlement, and I have to be back in the Adamkot direction. Come and see me, Hal, if it's only for a talk and a smoke. Upon my word, I am des-s-s-perately lonely! Bring a tail as long as MacTavish's if you like, and we'll indoctrinate them with the science of fox-hunting.

He would not accept his fate at second-hand in this fashion; he must see Miss Davidson and try to move her to be kind to him. In the end there was an interview between them, from which George emerged quiet but very pale. His notable matrimonial bandobast had proved the deadest of failures; and the poor fellow's lip trembled as he thought of Mactavish's happy home and his own forlorn bungalow.

Sykes declared that if he should only be called in once to prescribe for John MacTavish's stomach his future in Coombe was secure? "Doctor Parker is doing him just no good at all," she reported. "So keep an eye on him. If he looks especially dour it's a good sign." "Would you say that he looks especially 'dour'?" whispered Callandar to Willits. "I should. Why?" "Oh, nothing only it's a good sign!

When was it two or three years ago?" "Certainly I do, Mr. Ringsmith." "Can you say off-hand what we made on that deal?" "No," replied MacTavish cautiously, "but I do remember what we gave for it, and what we sold it for. There were a lot of expenses on that deal." There was a cunning look in MacTavish's eyes as he added the last words. "Um, yes what were the figures?"

At that instant Charley swept past; and his mettlesome steed swerved as it heard the loud report of the gun, thereby almost unhorsing his rider, and causing him unintentionally to discharge the conglomerate of bullets and swan-shot into the flank of Peter Mactavish's horse fortunately at a distance which rendered the shot equivalent to a dozen very sharp and particularly stinging blows.

At that instant Charley swept past; and his mettlesome steed swerved as it heard the loud report of the gun, thereby almost unhorsing his rider, and causing him unintentionally to discharge the conglomerate of bullets and swan-shot into the flank of Peter Mactavish's horse fortunately at a distance which rendered the shot equivalent to a dozen very sharp and particularly stinging blows.

In a first-floor oak-panelled suite at the Albany, overlooking the covered walk that runs from Piccadilly to Burlington Gardens, they found an excessively fair, loose-limbed man whose air of rather helpless timidity was heightened by a pair of large tortoise-shell spectacles. He appeared excessively embarrassed at the sight of MacTavish's extremely good-looking companion.

He resumed his pacing, but this time he hummed in the most unmelodious voice imaginable: She was bright as a butterfly, as fair as a queen, Was pretty little Polly Perkins, of Paddington Green. "It's dry!" MacTavish's voice broke in upon the pacing and the discordant song. "Well?" Dulkinghorn snapped out the question. "No result!" said Euan. He handed him the board.