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"With the butt end of his whip." "That's a lie! His team ran into Lohr's rig." "Not much; Ed crowded him into the ditch." "What fer?" "'Cause Bert cut him out with Maud." "Come, get out of the way! Don't stand there gabbing," yelled Hartley, as he took Albert in his arms and, together with the doctor, lifted him out of the sleigh. "Goodness sakes alive! Ain't it terrible!

During the day they were permitted to roam at large in the woods eating nuts, by which they fattened for the larder; but when night approached, they were called and zealously secured in the pen, a practice which soon taught the pigs the habit of early retiring. Gradually, however, Mr. Lohr's punctuality in this matter abated, until one evening it had become fairly dark ere he went to shut them in.

Lohr's expression became one of reserve, the look of a man who has found that when he speaks his inner thoughts his wife jumps too far to conclusions. "Oh, nothing," he said. "Of course any man starting up a new business is bound to be pretty nervous a while. He'll be over here to-morrow evening, all right; you'll see." The prediction was fulfilled: Adams arrived just after Mrs.

At the gate the crowd gathered and waited with deepest interest. It was enthralling romance to them. "Ed Brann done it," said one. "How?" asked another. "With the butt end of his whip." "That's a lie! His team ran into Lohr's rig." "Not much; Ed crowded him into the ditch." "What fer?" "Cause Bert cut him out with Maud." "Come, get out of the way!