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"An' old old Bandy Legs'll catch catch me," mumbled David, digging his small knuckles into his eyes. "Old Bandy Legs has been dead ever'n ever so long. I guess a thousand years," said Joel; "an' there's flowers there oh, most beautiful ones!" "Are there?" asked David, taking down his hands. "What kinds, Joel?" "Oh, all sorts.

There was an ugly welt across her knees and some blood had flowed. The stablemen had tended the welt, and cursed Hazen in my hearing. It was still snowing, and the stable boss, looking out at the driving flakes, spat upon the ground and said to me: "Them legs'll go stiff. That mare won't go home to-night." "I think you are right," I agreed.

He sprang upon the counter in the moment of astonished quiet, and, before tongues broke loose again, he had the whole attention of the crowd. "Here, boys," he cried. "Abe's right. Drunk as he is, he's right. Only he sure wants to do too much more than his legs'll let him." He grinned. "We're goin' to do this thing right now. But we're goin' to do it like good citizens of a dandy city.

TOC rose with alacrity, displaying in the act the immense relative difference between his very long legs and his ordinary body, in regard to which Adams used to console him by saying, "Never mind, Toc, your legs'll stop growin' at last, and when they do, your body will come out like a telescope. You'll be a six-footer yet. Why, you're taller than I am already by two inches."

Why, any back would double, An' any legs'll bend, If we pile on all the trouble Meant to last us till the end! So if we'll jest remember, Half the woe from life we'll rob If we'll only take it "by the day," An' not live it "by the job." "Of course that ''tisn't yet December' is poem license, and hain't really got much sense to it," wrote Susan in the letter she sent with the verses.

"Yes; now go to sleep," cried Joel, with a nudge, "and remember not to say a word to me to-morrow about it." "Can't I say anything to you behind the wood pile?" asked David, in surprise. "No, not a teenty word. An' don't you look at me. If you do, Old Bandy Legs'll come after you."

Says I to 'im, 'Colonel, says I, 'let me go to the Front, along o' the Reg'ment. 'To the Front you shall go, says 'e, 'an' I only wish there was more like you among the dirty little devils that bang the bloomin' drums. Kidd, if you throw your 'courtrements at me for tellin' you the truth to your own advantage, your legs'll swell."

"We're going to Lafe and Peg, Bobbie," she said. "Can you walk a long way?" "Yes," gurgled Bobbie, color flaming his face. "My legs'll go faster'n anything." And "faster'n anything" those thin little legs did go. The boy trotted along beside his friend, down the hill to the flats. Jinnie chose a back street leading to the lower end of the town.

Failure again followed their united efforts except as regards the muffled shouting within, which increased in vigour and was accompanied by no small amount of kicking by what of Gashford remained in the cellar. "I'm afeared his legs'll come off altogether if we try to pull harder than we've done," said Crossby, contemplating the huge and helpless limbs of the victim with a perplexed air.

Next time, I reckon you won't get off so easy. I've got you marked. I'll find out what your brand is, then I'll tell the sheriff to be on the lookout for you. Now, you hit the trail as fast as your legs'll carry you. If I catch you up to any more tricks well, you know the answer. Now, git!" And the late prisoner did. One bound carried him almost out of camp.