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But the coolness and deliberation of his scrutiny, had to a certain extent calmed Lawford's mind and given him confidence. Hitherto he had met the little difficulties of life only to vanquish them with ease and applause. Now he was standing face to face with the unknown. He burst out laughing, into a long, low, helpless laughter.

'I don't really think, she said, 'you can be Mary Lawford's son. I could scarcely have mistaken HIM. Lawford gulped and turned away. He hardly knew what this surge of feeling meant. Was it hope, despair, resentment; had he caught even the echo of an unholy joy? His mind for a moment became confused as if in the tumult of a struggle.

Please . . . dear!" She nodded, pursing her lips. "But eighteen dollars a week!" groaned Lawford. "I think the super would have made it an even twenty if it hadn't been for dad." "Never mind," she told him, almost gayly. "Maybe the invention will make our fortune." At that speech Lawford's cannibalistic tendencies were greatly and visibly increased.

The light skiff at the end of the long painter whipped around when the line tautened. As Betty cried out in echo to Louise's wail, the gunnel of the skiff crashed down upon Lawford's head and shoulders. "Oh! Oh! He's hurt!" cried Louise. "He's drowned dead!" ejaculated Betty Gallup. "Here, Miss Lou, you take the wheel " But the girl had no intention of letting the old woman go overboard.

Until now she had considered Lawford Tapp's tendencies toward living such an irresponsible existence as all wrong for him. The rather exciting information she had just gained changed her mental attitude toward the young man entirely. Louise gave no consideration whatsoever to Aunt Euphemia's snobbish stand in the matter of Lawford's social position.

I. Tapp stamped away along the graveled walk, leaving the young man alone. Lawford's calmness was as irritating to him as sea water to a raw wound. Those days were dark for Louise Grayling; on her shoulders she bore double trouble.

Louise was desirous of getting her father to the store, for he was exhausted. Lawford turned back toward the group of life-saving men standing about the beached boat. "If they can get her launched again they'll need me," he shouted back over his shoulder. "Poor Cap'n Abe and Cap'n Amazon " "You've done enough, boy," his father declared, clinging to the sleeve of Lawford's guernsey.

Three of the girls were those Louise Grayling believed to be daughters of Lawford's employer. She saw that he was breaking away from the group with the intention of coming to her. L'Enfant Terrible said something to him and laughed shrilly. She saw Lawford's cheek redden. So Louise welcomed the approach of Mr. Bane, who chanced at the moment to be idle.

The vivid blush that dyed the girl's cheeks signaled the fact that Betty had guessed more of the truth than Louise cared to have her or anybody know. She shook her head negatively to the keen-eyed old woman; nevertheless she went forward, found one of Lawford's handkerchiefs and bound up his head.

'I suppose, began Danton, with an obvious effort to disentangle himself from the humiliation of the moment, 'I suppose he was wandering? 'Bless me, yes, said Mr Bethany cordially 'fever. We all know what that MEANS. 'Yes, said Danton, taking refuge in Mrs Lawford's white and intent gaze. 'Just think, think, Danton the awful, incessant strain of such an ordeal.