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"Lady Lashmore's brain retains certain memories. They have been received at the moment when possession has taken place and at the moment when the control has been cast out again.

There is a small boudoir, out of which opens Lady Lashmore's bedroom; between this and Lord Lashmore's apartment is the dressing-room. Lord Lashmore's door was locked and so was that of the boudoir. These are the only two means of entrance." "But you said that Chambers came in and found him." "Chambers has a key of Lord Lashmore's door.

Cairn delayed for no further questions, but raced upstairs, his son close behind him. Together they burst into Lord Lashmore's bedroom. But just within the door they both stopped, aghast. Sitting bolt upright in bed was Lord Lashmore, his face a dingy grey and his open eyes, though filming over, yet faintly alight with a stark horror ... dead. An electric torch was still gripped in his left hand.

"Do you think it was attempted suicide after all, then?" he asked. "No I don't," replied Sir Elwin emphatically. "I think it was something altogether more difficult to explain." "Not attempted murder?" "Almost impossible. Excepting Chambers, Lord Lashmore's valet, no one could possibly have gained access to that suite of rooms. They number four.

"You must know all the circumstances of his adoption; you were with the late Sir Michael in Egypt at the time. The fellow is a mystery to me; he repels, in some way. I was glad to get away from his rooms." "You were going to tell me something about Lord Lashmore's case, I think?" said Cairn.

Second: Lord Lashmore's idea that something was in the room at the moment of his awakening. Third: the fact that an identical attempt was made upon him last night!" "Last night! Good God! With what result?" "The former wounds, though deep, are very tiny, and had quite healed over. One of them partially reopened, but Lord Lashmore awoke altogether more readily and before any damage had been done.

They went out together. It was already past midnight, but a cab was found at the corner of Half-Moon Street, and within the space of five minutes they were at Lord Lashmore's house. Excepting Chambers, Lord Lashmore's valet, no servants were to be seen. "They ran away, sir, out of the house," explained the man, huskily, "when it happened." Dr.

The hemorrhage was altogether more severe than he had supposed. Not wishing to arouse his wife, he did not enter his dressing-room, which is situated between his own room and Lady Lashmore's; he staggered as far as the bell-push, and then collapsed. His man found him on the floor sufficiently near to the fender to lend colour to the story of the accident." Dr. Cairn coughed drily.

It ultimately brought my grandfather to the madhouse, but my father was of sterner stuff, and so, it seems, was I. After those three years of horror I threw off the memories of Paul Dhoon, the third baron " "It was on the night of your twenty-first birthday that you were admitted to the subterranean room?" "You know so much, Dr. Cairn, that you may as well know all." Lashmore's face was twitching.

"I think so. Am I wrong?" Lashmore stood on the rug before the fireplace, with his hands locked behind him and his head lowered, looking out under his tufted eyebrows at Dr. Cairn. Thus seen, Lord Lashmore's strange eyes had a sinister appearance. "If I had had a theory " he began. "You would have come to me to seek confirmation?" suggested Dr. Cairn. "Ah! yes, you may be right.