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"I took a rusticator once 't was dietin' for dyspepsy that's a state o' the stomick, ye know, kind o' between hay and grass and if I didn't get tired o' makin' toast and droppin' eggs!" "I never could see no fun in bein' a rusticator anyway, down there by the sea-wall on a hot day, settin' up agin' a spruce tree admirin' the lan'scape, with ants an' pitch ekally a-meanderin' over ye."

The miners were fortunately not bloodthirsty at this time, so the six self-dubbed M.D.s, instead of being hanged, were banished for ever from the settlement. Half-an-hour later the miners were busy in their respective claims, and Ned Sinton was again seated before his "lan'scape" of the Irishman.

"I wos wantin' to ax ye, sir, av ye could put in me pick and shovel in the lan'scape." "In the landscape, Pat!" exclaimed Ned, addressing his visitor by the generic name of the species; "I thought you wanted a portrait." "Troth, then, I don't know which it is ye call it; but I wants a pictur' o' meself all over, from the top o' me hat to the sole o' me boots. Isn't that a lan'scape?"

'Lookin' at the lan'scape ag'in? 'Yes; I've jes' begun t' see what a putty country this is, said Uncle Eb. 'How's the boss? 'Splendid! Gives ye time t' think an' see what yer passin'. Like t' set 'n think once in a while. We don't do enough thinkin' here in this part o' the country. 'Yd orter buy this mare an learn how t' ride fast, said Dean.

An' I been surveyin' de lan'scape o'er tryin' ter think about eve'ything I can do ter start right. I'm a-startin' wid dem chillen, puttin' 'em in mo'nin' fur Ca'line. Den, fur Pete, I gwine ring de changes on Ca'line's goodness tell he ax me, for Gord sake, ter stop, so, in years ter come, he won't have nothin' ter th'ow up ter me. An' you know de reason I done tooken fo' days off, missy?

He ain't fixin' to hurt nobody when he talks, but when he stops talkin' excuse me!" "What does he do when he stops talking?" "If ol' Doc Bird's on the lan'scape, he hunts a hole an' he crawls in when Mr. Peth he begins to act up." "You mean you're afraid of him?" "Not exac'ly what you'd go an' call 'fraid, but I don' take no chances." He chuckled again, and wagged his head.

It ain't been no long trip, but sa-a-ay, girl, I've enjoyed every mile of the road. All kinds of scenery all kinds of lan'scape plain fancy uphill downhill " I leaned forward, fearfully. "Not yet," whispered Blackie. "Say Dawn in the story books they always are strong on the good-by kiss, what?"

It'd use up the whole iceberg. Besides, I couldn't never think o' Nebuchadnezzar there an' not a spear o' grass on the whole lan'scape. You needn't to laugh. I know it's silly, but I always think o' sech ez that. No, jest write it, 'Ephraim N. Trimble, from his wife, Kitty. Be sure to put in the Kitty, so in after years it'll show which wife give it to him.