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He looked at me with his queer, pale eyes. I felt a great static misery in him, something very strange. 'Triste! he repeated, stiffening up, hostile. I could not understand. 'Vuol' dire che hai l'aria dolorosa, cried Maria, like a chorus interpreting. And there was always a sort of loud ring of challenge somewhere in her voice. 'Sad, I said in English. 'Sad I' he repeated, also in English.

O quante volte abbraccio l'aria vana Speyando la donzella abbracciar seco'. Angela had not read Ariosto, but Nanette had done so several times. She undertook the defence of Angelica, and blamed the simplicity of Roger, who, if he had been wise, would never have trusted the ring to a coquette. I was delighted with Nanette, but I was yet too much of a novice to apply her remarks to myself.

In the Padre Affo's later version of the work this song of Orpheus does not appear, but a dryad announces to her sisters the death of Euridice and then follows a chorus: "L'Aria di pianti s'oda risuonare, Che d' ogni luce e priva: E al nostro lagrimare Crescano i fiumi al colmo della riva " The refrain, "l'aria di pianti" is repeated at the end of each stanza.

The use of the refrains, "l'aria di pianti" in the first, and "Ciascun segua, O Bacco, te," in the second, is an additional influence in moving us toward this conclusion because we know that it was the employment of the refrain which helped to lead the frottola toward the strophic form of the song.

"It seems," says the Count, "that there was one of his songs in particular which was called the 'Husbands' Air' L'Aria dei Marit because they didn't enjoy it quite as much as their better-halves.... My grand-aunt, Pisana Renier, married to the Procuratore Vendramin, was a patrician of the old school, of the style that was getting rare a hundred years ago.

O quante volte abbraccio l'aria vana Speyando la donzella abbracciar seco'. Angela had not read Ariosto, but Nanette had done so several times. She undertook the defence of Angelica, and blamed the simplicity of Roger, who, if he had been wise, would never have trusted the ring to a coquette. I was delighted with Nanette, but I was yet too much of a novice to apply her remarks to myself.