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After Karr's defeat he had an open road to Moscow, where his appearance was awaited by 100,000 serfs burning to shake off the yoke of the aristocracy, and form a new Russian empire. Forty million helots awaited their liberator the rebel leader. Then, of a sudden, he away from him the common-sense he had possessed until now-for the sake of a pair of beautiful eyes!

Their attempts were modest, however, and no one has ever been tempted to quote against them Alphonse Karr's well-known epigram: "A woman who writes, commits two sins: she increases the number of books, and she decreases the number of women;" for they were content, for the most part, to be the source of inspiration for their minstrel knights.

She described the Sunday-school question that had arisen, and felt sure that her father would pronounce his Gill to be a sensible young woman. Afterwards Miss Adeline betook herself to a beautiful lily of church embroidery, observing, as Gillian sat down to read to her Alphonse Karr's Voyage autour de mon Jardin, that it was a real pleasure to listen to such prettily-pronounced French.

Perhaps Dan, whose repertory was large, had told him what a bore they were, and cautioned him to do his utmost to avoid them. About a year after Murphy's arrival, Dan was gathered to his forefathers, and there was mourning throughout the house for many days. To one at least, if not to more, Alphonse Karr's remark held good On n'a dans la vie qu'un chien and Dan was that dog.

This is Alphonse Karr's magnificent spring assortment his Grand Occasion. "So you see, Mr. Cockayne," said his wife, "this Mr. Karr, whose book about the garden twaddle, I call it you used to think so very fine and poetic, is just a market-gardener and nothing more. He is positively an advertising tradesman." "Nothing more, mamma, I assure you," said Sophonisba.

He was 'prejudiced' against Home, whom he met at Nice, 'in the house of a Russian lady of distinction. 'His very physical manifestations, I was told, had caused his expulsion from more than one private house. Of these aberrations one has not heard elsewhere. Mr. Mr. Aïdé's prejudice, M. Karr's hard-headed scepticism, prove them witnesses not biassed in favour of hocus-pocus.

The majority of the champions of the enfranchisement of the sex have loudly protested against the hackneyed truisms, formerly so rife, which impute to women every imaginable form of silliness and frivolity; that they, like Alphonse Karr's typical woman, have nothing to do but "s'habiller, babiller et se déshabiller."

He rose from the table semper victor! No one ever saw him pay, and for this reason he was a particular favorite with the Czarina. She said if she could only once succeed in winning a rouble from Karr she would have a ring welded to it and wear it suspended from her neck. It is very likely that the mistakes of his opponents aided General Karr's continual success.

There was a battle, first one, then the other gaining a slight advantage, but at last the barrow-wight fell over on his back with a huge din; whereupon Grettir drew his sword, 'Jokul's gift, and cut off Karr's head, laying it beside the thigh, for, in this way only, men said, could a ghost be laid.

"I remember at school that one of the French young ladies, Mademoiselle de la Rosière, told me that when her sister was married, the bride and all the bridesmaids had Alphonse Karr's bouquets. It seems that the mercenary creature advertises to sell ball or wedding bouquets, which he manages to send to Paris quite fresh in little boxes, for a pound apiece." "Do you hear that?" said Mrs.