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"No; it 's only an ugly old dog!" responded Susy, losing all interest at once, and descending with a bounce. "He's mad! and Jud's gone to get his gun, so we can shoot him!" called out one mischievous boy, resenting the contempt expressed for their capture. "Ain't, neither!" howled another lad from his perch. "Mad dogs won't drink; and this one is lapping out of a tub of water."

A great fear began to creep over her not for herself, but for Helen, and she fell on her knees by the frame and prayed silently. Jud's voice came again: "Want to kno' now why you'll stay there till mornin'? Well, I'll tell you it'll make you pass a com'f'table night you'll never see Miss Helen ag'in " The old nurse sprang to her feet.

Jud was a monologist by nature, whom Destiny, with customary blundering, had set in a profession wherein he was bereaved, for the greater portion of his time, of an audience. Therefore, I was manna in the desert of Jud's obmutescence. Betimes I was stirred by invalid longings for something to eat that did not come under the caption of "grub."

"Um-hm. But we haven't any tall pole in our yard, 'cept the flag-pole and that's on the roof." "No, we haven't any pole like the book shows, but we could hitch the wheat on our balcony-rail knobs and when the birds came down to get it, we could watch them from this window. See?" "Where'll you get the wheat?" "From the barn. Jud's got a lot of different kinds of grain out there."

"Miss Polly sent your mother some fresh eggs you don't want to smash 'em, do you?" Mother Blossom rescued the egg box, and the children escorted Jud on deck and introduced him to Captain Jenks. "Guess you surprised some folks," said the captain, shaking Jud's hand as though he were very glad to see him.

Of course every eye was instantly turned back, and they were just in time to see something that announced the truth of Jud's assertion. Andy Flinn stood up in the bow of the second boat, which no longer chugged away as before, and he threw something out that splashed in the water. "It's their anchor!" cried Jud. "Either somebody's overboard, or else their motor's broken down!"

"Jud's flume boss now, an' Jess she plays that pianner an' sings like a bird. When we gits down ter Mill Flat I'll show yeh their house. It's a white one up on the side o' the hill, jest across the gulch from the mill. "Wal, yeh had all the grub yeh want, pardner? Say, ain't them green gages sour? They sets yer teeth on aidge all right. An' I couldn't find the boys' sugar-can.

With Jud's help and the last remnant of Andrew's strength they managed to get him to his feet, and then he partly climbed, partly was pushed by Jud, and partly was dragged by the old man up a ladder to the loft. It was quite cool there, very dark, and the air came in through two windows. "Ain't very sociable to put a guest in the attic," said Pop, between his panting breaths.

Slowly he slid down the tree, while Bonaparte, thunder-struck with joy, waited at the foot, his eyes glaring, his mouth wide open, anticipating the feast on fresh boy meat. Can he be dare he be coming down? Right into my jaws, too? The very thought of it stopped his snarls. Jud's curses filled the air.

No one was in the office but Jud Carpenter, and to her surprise he treated her with the utmost courtesy. Indeed, his courtesy was so intense that any one but Zion, who, being black, knew little of irony and less of sarcasm, might have seen that Jud's courtesy was strongly savored of the two. "Be seated, Madam," he said with a profound bow.