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That dispeller of all sorrows, viz., the destroyer of the triple city of the Asuras, said unto me, 'Thy fame shall be great in the world." Then Jamadagni's son, that foremost of all righteous persons, shining like the Sun with blazing splendour in the midst of that conclave of Rishis, said unto the son of Kunti these words: "I was afflicted with the sin, O eldest son of Pandu, of Brahmanicide for having slain my brothers who were all learned Brahmanas.

In days of yore, Jamadagni's son Rama, who was acquainted with every weapon and whom none excelled, when addrest for battle on behalf of Amva, was vanquished by Bhishma in combat. Thou tellest me that that Bhishma, who was the foremost of all warriors and who resembled Indra himself in the feats he achieved, hath been slain. What can be a greater grief to me than this?

If, O Bharata, thou dost not accept the truthful words of thy friends, Krishna and Bhishma, then, O sire, thou wilt surely have to repent. Arjuna is even greater than what Jamadagni's son hath described him to be. As regards Krishna, the son of Devaki, he is incapable of being resisted by even the gods.

For many days hath this fierce combat of terrible consequence lasted between myself and Jamadagni. I am unable, however, to vanquish on the field of battle that Rama of mighty energy. If indeed, I am competent to vanquish in battle that Brahmana of mighty strength, viz., Jamadagni's son of great prowess, then let the gods kindly show themselves to me this night!

And they all said, "Even this is the time for the display of his prowess." Our hearts are turned to that Karna who derived his knowledge of weapons from Jamadagni's son, and whose prowess is incapable of being resisted! He, indeed, O king, is competent to save us from great dangers, like Govinda always saving the celestials from great dangers."

While proceeding, the mighty-armed Kesava, that delighter of all the Yadavas, spoke unto Yudhishthira about the prowess of Jamadagni's son, "Yonder, at a distance, O Partha, are seen the five lakes of Rama! There Rama offered oblations of Kshatriya blood unto the manes of his ancestors.

Indeed, Kartavirya of great strength, resembling the Thousand-eyed Indra himself, in consequence of his having yielded to wrath, was slain in battle by Rama of Jamadagni's race. Verily, O amiable lady at thy words I have restrained my wrath, that foe of penances that destroyer of all that is beneficial for myself.

Fie on Kshatriya practices! And overwhelmed, O king, with grief, I repeatedly said, 'Alas, great is the sin committed by me through observance of Kshatriya practices, since I have afflicted with arrows my preceptor who is a Brahmana endued with a virtuous soul! After that, O Bharata, I ceased striking Jamadagni's son any more.

And after worshipping Jamadagni's son and having received words of praise from him, at his direction he spent the night on the Mahendra hill, and then started on his journey towards the southern regions."

Extremely angry, that hero then, changing his position and drawing the bow-string with great strength, aimed at me a terrible shaft resembling all-destructive Death himself, and capable of grinding all foes! Covered with blood, I fell down on the earth, O king, thus struck. Regaining consciousness, I hurled at Jamadagni's son a frightful dart, effulgent as the thunderbolt.