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My first impulse when I returned home was to rush to the house of my benefactor, the only man who had in my distress interested himself in my behalf. He was a snuff-taker, and it had been the pride of my heart to save the IPSA CORPORA of the first score of guineas I could hoard, and to have them converted into as tasteful a snuff-box as Rundell and Bridge could devise.

Cf. note, 87: affectavere. Plerumque. Often; a limited sense of the word peculiar to post-Augustan Latin. Cf. G. 13: ipsa plerumque fama bella profligant; and Freund ad v. Quae expressa==quorum succus expressus, etc. In tantum. To such a degree. Frequent only in late Latin. A servitute.

Scelera ipsa nefasque Hac mercede placent!" The Pharsalia, then, is the outcome of a prosperous rhetorical career on the one hand, and of a bitter disappointment which finds its solace in patriotic feeling on the other. It is difficult to see how such a poem could have failed to ruin him, even if he had not been doomed before.

Eurydicen vox ipsa et frigida lingua, Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae. Carlyle's pathos, far from being confined to his own calamity, was ready to awake at every touch. "I was walking with him," writes Froude, "one Sunday afternoon in Battersea Park. In the open circle among the trees was a blind man and his daughter, she singing hymns, he accompanying her on some instrument.

Induitur, formosa est: Exuitur, ipsa forma est. No. 62. Friday, May 11, 1711. Addison. 'Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons. Hor. Mr. Lock has an admirable Reflexion upon the Difference of Wit and Judgment, whereby he endeavours to shew the Reason why they are not always the Talents of the same Person.

Human love is a subjective thing the essence itself of man, as that great thinker Spinoza the philosopher says ipsa hominis essentia it is joy accompanied by an idea which we project against any suitable object in the line of our vision, just as the rainbow iris is projected against an oak, ash, or elm tree indifferently.

To know her had enriched my life and opened my mind. What Propertius had said of his Cynthia, I repeated to myself of my Margaret, Ingenium nobis ipsa puella est. 'My' Margaret! Well, it did her no harm for me to think it, and, after all, the sly, silly babblings of my under-self could be shouted down by the stern voice of common sense.

Tiberis ... quamlibet magnorum navium ex Italo mari capax, rerum in toto orbe nascentium mercator placidissimus, pluribus probe solus quam ceteri in omnibus terris amnes accolitur aspiciturque villis. Nullique fluviorum minus licet, inclusis utrinque lateribus: nec tamen ipse pugnat, quamquam creber ac subitis incrementis, et nusquam magis aquis quam in ipsa urbe stagnantibus.

The most profound joy has more of severity than gaiety, in it. The highest and fullest contentment offers more of the grave than of the merry: "Ipsa felicitas, se nisi temperat, premit."

He then turns his thoughts on every side, in quest of something that may solace or amuse him: he proposes happiness to himself, first in one scene and then in another: and at last finds that nothing will satisfy: Jam neque Hamodryades rursum, nec carmina nobis Ipsa placent: ipsoe rursum concedite sylvae.