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EA IPSA COGITANTEM: = de eis ipsis cog.: so Acad. 2, 127 cogitantes supera atque caelestia, and often. ACTA VITA: 'the life I have led'; cf. 62 honeste acta superior aetas; so Tusc. 1, 109; Fam. 4, 13, 4. VIVENTI: dative of reference. A. 235; G. 354; H. 384, 4, n. 3. Sensim must have meant at one time 'perceptibly', then 'only just perceptibly', then 'gradually' and almost 'imperceptibly'.

Each page is studded with five stars, each as unique as the century-flower, and, like the night-blooming cereus, "the perfume and suppliance of a minute" ipsa varietate variora. The mind of Shakespeare was bodied forth as Montezuma was apparelled, whose costume, however gorgeous, was never twice the same.

Byzantium worked woe to the elder sister of whom she was jealous. Under the infamous treasons of Rufinus and Eutropius, the words might have been uttered with even fuller truth than in their original application "Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit". Thus Alaric first took Rome. But he did not take the Primacy.

"Then I babbled something, I forget what: then he went on like this ah, I never forget what he says he said Cicero says 'AEquitas ipsa lucet per se; something significat* something else: and he repeated it slowly for me he knows I know a little Latin; and told me that was as much as to say 'Justice is so clear a thing, that whoever hesitates must be on the road of wrong.

They have with us the fate of older paradoxes. "Cum ventum ad VERUM est, SENSUS MORESQUE repugnant, Atque ipsa utilitas, justi prope mater et aequi." Perhaps bold speculations are more acceptable because more new to you than to us, who have been long since satiated with them.

Etsi ipsa ista defectio virium adulescentiae vitiis efficitur saepius quam senectute; libidinosa enim et intemperans adulescentia effetum corpus tradit senectuti. 30 Cyrus quidem apud Xenophontem eo sermone, quem moriens habuit, cum admodum senex esset, negat se umquam sensisse senectutem suam imbecilliorem factam quam adulescentia fuisset.

Ipsi Agyptii, hominum vetustissimos se pradicantes, cum Scythis de gentis antiquitate olim contenderunt. Antiquissimos esse post Syros, vel ipsa sacra Scriptura attestatur. Disciplinarum complurium inventores rerumque divinarum ac siderum peritissimi dicti sunt, quare ad eos Dadalus, Melampus, Pythagoras, Homerus et alii complures eruditionis causa profecti.

" -fungos vice cotis, excutum Reddere ere quæ ferrum valet, exsors ipsa secandi." DOCTOR NORTH: You are a liberal man: liberal in the true classical sense, not in the slang sense of modern politicians and education-mongers. Being so, I am sure that you will sympathize with my case. I am an ill-used man, Dr. North particularly ill used; and, with your permission, I will briefly explain how.

If both these Methods fail, the best way will be to let him see you are much cast down and afflicted for the ill Opinion he entertains of you, and the Disquietudes he himself suffers for your Sake. 'Ardeat ipsa licet tormentis gaudet amantis'. Juv.

Deus est turris etiam in turre: turris libertatis in turre angustiae: Turris quietis in turre molestice.... Arctari non potest qui in ipsa Dei infinitate incarceratus spatiatur.... Nil crus sentit in nervo si animus sit in coelo: nil corpus patitur in ergastulo, si anima sit in Christo." If Lovelace has the advantage in fancy, Prynne has it as clearly in depth of sentiment.