United States or Brazil ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Everything, the prayers, a short sermon, the firm, orotund voice of the minister, and most of all, beyond any portraying, or suggesting, that audience, deeply impress'd me. I was furnish'd with an arm-chair near the pulpit, and sat facing the motley, yet perfectly well-behaved and orderly congregation.

Impress'd with the silent, inexplicably emotional sight, I linger and look till all begins to weaken in the break of day. October 2. The third day of mellow, delicious, sunshiny weather. I am writing this in the recesses of the old woods, my seat on a big pine log, my back against a tree.

They will be found ampler than has been supposed, and in widely different sources. Thus far, impress'd by New England writers and schoolmasters, we tacitly abandon ourselves to the notion that our United States have been fashion'd from the British Islands only, and essentially form a second England only which is a very great mistake.

"The seal Love's dimpling finger hath impress'd, Denotes how soft that chin which bears his touch, Her lips whose kisses pout to leave their nest, Bid man be valiant ere he merit such; Her glance how wildly beautiful how much Hath Phoebus woo'd in vain to spoil her cheek, Which grows yet smoother from his amorous clutch, Who round the north for paler dames would seek?

The next day, July 30, I devoted to the maternal locality, and if possible was still more penetrated and impress'd. The scene as I stood or sat, the delicate and wild odor of the woods, a slightly drizzling rain, the emotional atmosphere of the place, and the inferr'd reminiscences, were fitting accompaniments.

"Grossly that man errs, who should suppose That the green valleys, and the streams and rocks, Are things indifferent to the shepherd's thoughts: Fields, where with cheerful spirits he has breathed The common air the hills, which he so oft Has climb'd with vigorous steps which have impress'd So many incidents upon his mind, Of hardship, skill or courage, joy or fear, Which, like a book, preserves the memory Of the dumb animals whom he has saved, Has fed or shelter'd; linking to such acts, So grateful in themselves, the certainty Of honourable gain; these fields, these hills, Which are his living being, even more Than his own blood what could they less? have laid Strong hold on his affections, are to him A pleasurable feeling of blind love The pleasure which there is in life itself."

Johnson, whose admir'd story of Raselass I sent you new from ye press, but who I am bound to confesse is less admirable as a fine gentlemann than as an orther, his linning siled and his kravatt twisted ary, and his manners wot in a more obskure personn wou'd be thort ungenteel, he made a remark wich impress'd me much.

I could have watch'd for a week. Sheridan stood on a balcony, under a big tree, coolly smoking a cigar. His looks and manner impress'd me favorably. May 22. Have been taking a walk along Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street north. The city is full of soldiers, running around loose. Officers everywhere, of all grades. All have the weatherbeaten look of practical service.

Returning home, riding down Market street in an open summer car, something detain'd us between Fifteenth and Broad, and I got out to view better the new, three-fifths-built marble edifice, the City Hall, of magnificent proportions a majestic and lovely show there in the moonlight flooded all over, facades, myriad silver-white lines and carv'd heads and mouldings, with the soft dazzle silent, weird, beautiful well, I know that never when finish'd will that magnificent pile impress one as it impress'd me those fifteen minutes.

He reflected on all his Conduct to the present Time, and the Thoughts of his being on the Point of passing into another Life, impress'd on him strongly the Conditions on which his Religion offers eternal Happiness. All Kelirieu's Care to conceal these penitential Dispositions, could not hinder their being known among the Courtiers.