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"This is a bigger proposition than the North Pass, Mr. Illis. You made money out of that road, but this one will make more." He swiftly outlined the condition of affairs, even to the attitude assumed by the Heidlemanns; and Illis, knowing the speaker as he did, had no doubt that he was hearing the exact truth. "But that's not all," continued O'Neil.

"I'll tell you if you insist, although I'd rather not. There's no danger of its becoming public." Illis showed his relief. "I'm glad. You gave me a start. Rotten fix for a man to be in. Why, I'm here under an assumed name! Fancy! But " he waved his hand in a gesture which showed his acceptance of the inevitable. "You haven't made your new agreement?" "I'm to meet Blum and Capron to-morrow."

Not that he will retire from that station in the world which Providence seems to have appointed him to fill: he will be active in the business of life, and enjoy its comforts with moderation and thankfulness; but he will not be "totus in illis," he will not give up his whole soul to them, they will be habitually subordinate in his estimation to objects of more importance.

"Murray got the money and our troubles are over. Now give me some coffee, Eliza. I'm all shaky." "English money!" commented Slater. "The same as we used on the North Pass." "Then he interested Illis!" cried Dan. "Yep! He's the white-winged messenger of hope. I wasn't worried for a minute," Tom averred.

In quibus locis sermonis proprietas colligi potest tum ex aequiparatione, nam cum dicitur: sex diebus operabis, propriissimè intelligitur: tum quia non est verisimile, potuisse populum intelligere verba illa in alio sensu, et è contrario incredibile est, Deum in suis praeceptis tradendis illis verbis ad populum fuisse loquutum, quibus deciperetur, falsum sensum concipiendo, si Deus non per sex veros dies opera sua fecisset."

O'Neil did try to interest the Heidlemanns, but they wouldn't have anything to do with him, and the S. R. & N. was going to smash when Mr. Illis came along, barely in time. It was too exiting and dramatic for anything the way Mr. O'Neil found him when he was in hiding " "Hiding?" "Yes. There was something about blackmail, or a secret arrangement between Mr.

He is not vicious, for the reason that he does not know what being good is. It is not development of enlightenment nor the restrictions of law, but the calm of the passions and ignorance of vice, which keep them from doing ill. Tanto plus in illis profitcit vitiorum ignoratio, quam in his cognitio virtutis.

Yet the facts will change their utterances in spite of us; and we, too, change with age and ages in spite of ourselves, so as to see the facts around us as perhaps even more changed than they actually are. It has been said, "Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis." The passage would have been no less true if it had stood, "Nos mutamur et tempora mutantur in nobis."

Ultro quin etiam erupere: et fuit atrox in ipsia portarum angustiis proelium, donec pulsi hostes; utroque exercitu certante, his, ut tulisse opem, illis, ne eguisse auxilio viderentur. Quod nisi paludes et silvae fugientes texissent, debellatum illa victoria foret.

"Ibam forte viâ sacrâ, sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum, et totus in illis; Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum, Arrep " "A note, my Lord," and the steward placed a most diminutive note in R 's hand. It ran thus: "My Lord and Gentlemen, "I will accompany you to the Casino this evening at 8. I feel it my duty to show you all the attention I can. "Yours faithfully, "A l r C ."