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Ibi habetur in leui precio copia rerum omnium, et praecipue victualium: vnum genus est ibi serpentum in abundantia quod manducant ad omne conuiuium, et nisi pro finali ferculo ministraretur de illis serpentibus, conuiuium quam modicum diceretur.

Still the white-haired Briton weighed in his mind the matter of millions, while the fortunes of Murray O'Neil hung in the balance. "My people won't buy the S. R. & N.," Illis finally announced. "But I'll put it up to them." "I can't delay action if there's a chance of a refusal. I'll have to see Blum and Capron," said O'Neil." "I'll cable full details within the hour.

As to the proposition, will any man say that princes have any more power than that which is expressed in the twenty-fifth article of the Confession of Faith, ratified in the first parliament of king James VI., which saith thus: “Moreover, to kings, princes, rulers, and magistrates, we affirm that chiefly and most principally, the conservation and the purgation of the religion appertains, so that not only they are appointed for civil policy, but also for maintenance of the true religion, and for suppressing of idolatry and superstition whatsoever?” Hoc nomine, saith Calvin, maxime laudantur sancti reges in scriptura, quod Dei cultum corruptum vel eversum restituerint, vel curam gesserint religionis, ut sub illis pura et incolumis floreret.

The efforts by which we have advanced thus far are new in literature, and what is gained is secure. "November, 1830. "MY DEAR SCOTT, ... I am sorry to read what you tell me of your lameness, but legs are not so obedient to many of us at our age as they were twenty years ago, non immunes ab illis malis sumus, as the learned Partridge and Lilly's Grammar tells us.

But a friend of mine, who is now upon the western circuit, having promised to give me an account of the several modes and fashions that prevail in the different parts of the nation through which he passes, I shall defer the enlarging upon this last topick till I have received a letter from him, which I expect every post. Equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis Ingenium. VIRG. Georg. i. ver. 415.

Gratian, Causa, 30, Quaest. 5, c. 9 Friedberg, i, p. 1107. Gratian, Causa, 28, Quaest. i, c. 17 Friedberg, i, p. 1089: illorum vero coniugia, qui contemptis omnibus illis solempnitatibus solo affectu aliquam sibi in coniugem copulant, huiuscemodi coniugium non legitimum, sed ratum tantummodo esse creditur. Sessio xxiv, cap. i De Reformatione Matrimonii.

Hence Alsted: “Laws made by men of things indifferent, whether they be civil or ecclesiastical, do bind the conscience, in so far as they agree with God’s word, serve for the public good, maintain order, and finally, take not away liberty of conscience.” Hence the professors of Leyden say, that laws bind not primo et per se, sed secundario, et per accidens; that is, quatenus in illis lex aliqua Dei violator.

O'Neil ground out the words between his teeth. "Surveying the town-site addition. If he let anything slip it was by mistake " "Mistake! I won't employ people who make mistakes of that kind. This story may bring the Canadian Government down on Illis and forfeit his North Pass charter to say nothing of our authorities. That would finish us."

From mythology we learn that Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes, or Mercury, and Venus Aphrodite, and had the powers both of a father and mother. In speaking of the foregoing Ausonius writes, "Cujus erat facies in qua paterque materque cognosci possint, nomen traxit ab illis."

Fifty years ago, what with the wool from his sheep and the grain that was stored in these barns year by year, the Cotswold farmer was a rich man. Alas! Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis! One can picture the harvest home, annually held in the barn, in old days so cheery, but now often nothing more than a form.