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I have seen her surrounded by country neighbours, and though she was velut inter ignes luna minores, I never saw the country squire's or country parson's wife, who was not perfectly happy and at ease in her drawing-room, while unconsciously all the time taking a lesson in good breeding and lady-like manners. She was thoroughly a help-meet for her husband in all his care for his people.

Not a month in that long file of the "Morning Post" but what Lady Castleton shone forth from the rest of womankind, "Velut inter ignes Luna minores." The blood mounted to my cheek. Was it to this splendid constellation in the patrician heaven that my obscure, portionless youth had dared to lift its presumptuous eyes? But what is this?

Medea superest; hic mare et terras vides, Ferrumque, et ignes, et deos, et fulmina. Medea, Act ii. 162-167. Here is self-reliance at its highest point; the strength of resolute will measuring itself singly and undauntedly against all forces, human and divine.

"When Horace speaks elsewhere of the Julian star, he compares it to a moon 'inter ignes minores' and surely Fame is not among the orbs which 'pergunt interire, hasten on to perish!" "I am glad to see that you retain your recollections of Horace," said Mr.

and said and said; what the blazes did he say?" "I'll make you Mrs. Mars," shouted Peter, loud enough to be heard. "Bad luck to you, Peter Nolan, it's yourself's the ruin of me this blessed night! Here have I come four miles with my speech in my pocket, per imbres et ignes." Here the crowd crossed themselves devoutly. "Ay, just so; and he spoiled it for me entirely."

Innocuas placide corpus jubet urere flammas, Et justo rapidos temperat igne focos. Quid febrim exstinguat; varius quid postulat usus, Solari aegrotos, qua potes arte, docet. Hactenus ipsa suum timuit Natura calorem, Dum saepe incerto, quo calet, igne perit: Dum reparat tacitos male provida sanguinis ignes, Praelusit busto, fit calor iste rogus.

He seemed pleased that I was finding it difficult to concentrate, that my thoughts had a fuzzy, dream-like quality to them, and that my self-analyzing, authority-questioning nature had submerged beyond my control. "You should feel good about yourself," he said pleasantly. "You are making some definite progress." Bicycle Ride St. Ignes

There are so many dangerous steps, that, for the more safety, we must a little lightly and superficially glide over the world, and not rush through it. Pleasure itself is painful in profundity: "Incedis per ignes, Suppositos cineri doloso."

Not a month in that long file of the "Morning Post" but what Lady Castleton shone forth from the rest of womankind, "Velut inter ignes Luna minores." The blood mounted to my cheek. Was it to this splendid constellation in the patrician heaven that my obscure, portionless youth had dared to lift its presumptuous eyes? But what is this?

If I should give myself up to sorrow and mourning I should die, and that cannot be, for I must live to wait for him to rescue him. How I know not yet; my thoughts and resolutions are so confused that they flicker like the ignes fatui. I will force my mind to be calm, and these wandering lights shall unite in one glowing flame to destroy the walls and obstructions which confine him.