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Legs to earth, it hurried with all its might. The regiment was glad of a diversion the waiting was growing so intolerable. The men cheered the rabbit. "Go it, Molly Cottontail! Go it, Molly! Go it, Molly! Hi! Don't go that-away! Them's Yankees! They'll cut your head off! Go t'other way that's it! Go it, Molly! Damn! If't wasn't for my character, I'd go with you!" The rabbit disappeared.

Many gude qualities have they got, chiefly along o' living so much in the awpen air." "An' gude appetites for the same cause! Go after Tim, wan of 'e. He've trotted down the road half a mile, an' be runnin' arter that blue concern as if't was a circus. Theer! Blamed if that damned gal in the thing ban't stoppin' to let un catch up! Now he'm feared, an' have turned tail an' be coming back.

And I'll be bound he never told you, ladies, of his first ascent of Twll Ddu, or how he pulled me up out of the torrent by sheer strength, when my fingers were that cold I couldn't grip the hand-holds? I'd 'a' fallen clear to the bottom of the Devil's Kitchen if't hadn't been for Mr. Pendragon, as he was then. And what d' you think, ladies, he says, when I accused him o' savin' my life?" "What?"

Thus Donne shows his medicinal knowledge in some encomiastic verses: In everything there naturally grows A Balsamum to keep it fresh and new, If't were not injur'd by extrinsique blows; Your youth and beauty are this balm in you. But you, of learning and religion, And virtue and such ingredients, have made A mithridate, whose operation Keeps off, or cures what can be done or said.

I miss de sail all ob a sudden, jess as if it had come down, yard an' all, straight slap bang." "Well, then, Snowy," continued the sailor, in a tone of increased cheerfulness, "if't be as we conjecture, the craft ain't far ahead o' us yet. Maybe only a knot or two; for one can't see far over the water who happens to be neck-deep under it as we be.

Bah! who'd call that a binnacle glim, or a lamp of any kind? If't be a ship's light at all, it's the glare o' the galley-fire, where the cook's makin' coffee for all hands." The superb picture of comfort thus called forth was too much for the temper of the starving men, to whom the idea was addressed; and a wild cry of exultation responded to the speech.

"High! whar'd you come from, George? What did you let 'em cotch you fur?" "Because I could not prevent it," returned he, with a faint smile. "Well, now, if't had been dis pusson, you see, dey'd 've had some trouble." "How is it that you are here, then?" "Well, dat question requires considerable explanation.

Todd as we went our way. "That's the one, Almiry," said her mother. "She always had a likely look to me, an' she's right after business. I never see such a mouser for one of her age. If't wan't for William, I never should have housed that other dronin' old thing so long; but he sets by her on account of her havin' a bob tail.

Having learned the trick of beating and loving and suffering, the poor faithful heart persisted, although it lived on memories and carried on its sentimental operations mostly in secret. "You're soft, Jane," said Miranda once; "you allers was soft, and you allers will be. If't wa'n't for me keeping you stiffened up, I b'lieve you'd leak out o' the house into the dooryard."

While thus employed, the report of a heavy gun came through the doors of the cabin, penetrating to the recess in which they were thus employed. "Ay, that's the beginning of it!" exclaimed Spike. "I wonder that the fool has put it off so long." "That gun was a heavy fellow, Captain Spike," returned the boatswain; "and it sounded in my ears as if't was shotted."