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Papers, Turkey, No. 36 . See, too, ibid. He, on his side assigned to Great Britain the island of Cyprus, to be occupied and administered by her. He further promised "to introduce necessary reforms, to be agreed upon later between the two Powers, into the government, and for the protection of the Christian and other subjects of the Porte in these territories."

A little druid wight Of withered aspect; but his eye was keen With sweetness mixed, a russet brown bedight. THOMSON: Castle of Indolence. Thus holding high discourse, they came to where The cursed carle was at his wonted trade, Still tempting heedless men into his snare, In witching wise, as I before have said. Ibid.

Ibid, p. 113. Madrid, Wednesday, 25th June, 1664. In the first place, having procured his Catholic Majesty to be prepared to expect it, I delivered myself in English, and in the express words of my instructions, only changing the person, as followeth, viz.

He gives the native name of the ant as issauba. For details as to the different modes of administering the maraké see ibid. pp. 228-235. As a confirmation of this view it may be pointed out that beating or scourging is inflicted on inanimate objects expressly for the purpose indicated in the text.

The italics are my own. Poulett Scrope, p. 205. The Kingston Chronicle and Gazette, 12 February, 1841. "A powerful struggle will be made at the next election to secure the return of representatives, who will coincide with the views of the French party in the Lower Province." Sydenham to Russell, 26 February, 1841. Ibid., 1 June, 1841. Poulett Scrope, p. 217.

He feared that he might cease to hate, that he might feel the sentiment of revolt which upheld him becoming extinguished in his hearts that he might come to pardon his persecutors and resign himself to his fate. But this fear was superfluous; his energy did not abandon him a single day, and he emerged from his cell the same man as when he entered. Ibid. p. xxvi.

With regard to steel, there may be a large field for chemical research ... however, we believe that unless the iron be of a nature adapted for the manufacture of steel by ordinary processes, the purely chemical inventions will only give a metal of a very uniform quality. Ibid., p. 764.

Are all set at liberty that are of age, capacity, and ability suitable for freedom?" Ibid., pp. 45,46. "Are Friends clear of importing or buying negroes to trade on; and do they use those well which they are possessed of by inheritance or otherwise, endeavoring to train them in the principles of the Christian religion?"

Reports by observers at Paris, Aug. 12 and 13, 1793. Ibid., AF., II., 49. October 8, it places two sans-culottes as guards in the houses of all those named below, in the quarter, even those who could not be arrested on account of absence. All holders of public funds are forbidden to sell them under a year and one day after the date of their purchase.

Ibid. p. 44. To MR. SECRETARY BENNET Ballecas, one league from Madrid, 7th May, 1664, stilo loci. My last from Cordova, 29th of March, N. S. 7th of April, carried on the journal of my great reception and entertainment in my way up to Madrid, to the day of the date thereof. This I have thought reasonable to advertise in England, though not to accept. Ibid. p.63-66. Madrid, 27th of May, 1664.