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Above Franklin the Teche makes a great bend to the east and approaches Grand Lake at Hutchin's Point, where there was a shell bank, and a good road leading to the high ground along the bayou. The road to New Iberia leaves the Teche at Franklin to avoid this bend, and runs due north across the prairie.

To prefer a seat in Congress to wealth silly. Besides, Hutchin's would be a bad candidate. Of course the party name would cover anythin'. But what a mean skunk! Here Mr. Gulmore's thoughts reverted to himself. Ought he to keep his word and put such a man into Congress? He hated to break a promise. But why should he help the Professor's father-in-law to power? Wall, there was no hurry.

Well, land's hard to get anywhere there, and I've the best lots in the town. It's like this, Hutchin's: Would you rather come in with me and make a joint tender, or run for Mayor and be beaten?" Mr. Hutchings started. Ten years before the proposal would have won him.

He could not help exclaiming: "Ah! if it hadn't been for you I'd have been in Congress long ago." "As a Democrat? Not from this State, I guess." "What does it matter? Democrat or Republican, the difference now is only in the name." "The price is high, Hutchin's. I ask you to give up runnin' for Mayor, and you ask me for a seat in Congress instead. But I'll pay it, if you do as I say.

To prefer a seat in Congress to wealth silly. Besides, Hutchin's would be a bad candidate. Of course the party name would cover anythin'. But what a mean skunk! Here Mr. Gulmore's thoughts reverted to himself. Ought he to keep his word and put such a man into Congress? He hated to break a promise. But why should he help the Professor's father-in-law to power? Wall, there was no hurry.

Several times in the afternoon the enemy appeared to be forming for an assault; and after my men had become steady, I hoped an attack would be made, feeling confident of repulsing it. Night brought quiet, and no report came from Reilly at Hutchin's. No news seemed good news; for I would have ample time to provide against a debarkation north of Hutchin's. The force at Bisland was in fine spirits.

Hutchings; he wanted to be back again in the East as a victor; he longed for the cultivated amenities and the social life of Washington. He could not help exclaiming: "Ah! if it hadn't been for you I'd have been in Congress long ago." "As a Democrat? Not from this State, I guess." "What does it matter? Democrat or Republican, the difference now is only in the name." "The price is high, Hutchin's.

The Professor's tone was frank, his sincerity evident, but Simpson went on: "Don't ye? Perhaps Hutchin's has sent you to say, as he's sick it'd be well to run Robinson on both tickets eh?" "I don't know what you mean. I expected to meet Mr. Hutchings here. Is he ill?" "He'll get well soon, I reckon; but after taking a perscription from Gulmore, he's mighty bad and can't leave the house."

I'll see to that." "No. I don't need money now particularly." "Next year, Hutchin's, I'll have a better man than Robinson against you. Lawyer Nevilson's as good as ken be found, I reckon, and he wouldn't refuse to join me if I gave him the chance." But while he was speaking, Mr. Gulmore kept his opponent's answer in view. He considered it thoughtfully; "I don't need money now particularly."

He was fairly satisfied with the result of his efforts. His triumph over the Professor would not be as flagrant, perhaps, as if Hutchin's' name had been linked with his in a city contract; but, he thought with amusement, every one would suspect that he had bought the lawyer for cash. What a fool the man was! What did he want to get into Congress for? Weak vanity! He'd have no weight there.