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Te spectem suprema mihi cum venerit hora: Te teneam moriens deficiente manu." Here is the same "linked sweetness long drawn out" which gives such a charm to Gray's elegy. In other elegies, particularly those which take the form of idylls, giving images of rural peace and plenty, we see the quiet retiring nature that will not be drawn into the glare of Rome.

Hora ruit. VII. He came into the world precisely at that time when the affairs of the United Provinces were in the greatest disorder. It was the year that the duke of Anjou wanted to surprize Antwerp; and that the greatest lords, in despair of being able to resist the formidable power of the king of Spain, were seeking to obtain a pardon.

Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus have recommended. One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus have recommended. One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

To the office again, my head running on this pretty girl, and there till noon, when Creed and Sheres come and dined with me; and we had a great deal of pretty discourse of the ceremoniousness of the Spaniards, whose ceremonies are so many and so known, that, Sheres tells me, upon all occasions of joy or sorrow in a Grandee's family, my Lord Embassador is fain to send one with an 'en hora buena', if it be upon a marriage, or birth of a child, or a 'pesa me', if it be upon the death of a child, or so.

Certainly he had a heart, this foul-mouthed Martial, who claimed for the study of his book no serious hours, but moments of mirth, when men are glad with wine, "in the reign of the Rose:" "Haec hora est tua, cum furit Lyaeus, Cum regnat rosa, cum madent capilli; Tunc mevel rigidi legant Catones."

DON PEDRO. Vaya, vaya, esos escrúpulos se quitan con señalar un día de esta semana para que se tomen los dichos. DON EDUARDO. ¡No lo que pasa por ! DON PEDRO. A la verdad que yo no me esperaba tampoco ... la niña, como le dije a usted, es muy dócil, eso es otra cosa, y muy bien criada, pero.... DON EDUARDO. Pero señor, por la Virgen Santísima, si ella apenas hace un cuarto de hora....

Before the procession sets out, there are certain heralds sent round the town, each having a bell in his hand which he rings continually, and at the same time calls out with all his might this doggrel couplet:— “El Rosario de la Aurora! Ya es hora! Ya es hora!”

Having said these words, Poëri arose, as if to avoid the thanks of the supposed Hora, who had prostrated herself at his feet and was kissing them, as do wretches who have just been granted a favour; but the lover in her had taken the place of the suppliant, and her ripe, rosy lips found it hard to leave those beautiful, clean, white feet that resembled the jasper feet of the gods.

"Somehow it's a bit tough to get this linking-up idea just when I can't do any more studying," added the boy a trifle wistfully. "Oh, you will be back at school before long, son; and if you go back more eager to learn will that not be a gain?" "Sure it will! Hora! Jove! I made a neat guess, didn't I? And that's where that horologium you were talking about came from, too. I'm not so worse.