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"What new camp is that?" she asked Howe. "Monohan's," he answered casually. "I thought Jack owned all the shore timber to Medicine Point?" she said. Howe shook his head. "Uh-uh. Well, he does too, all but where that camp is. Monohan's got a freak limit in there. It's half a mile wide and two miles straight back from the beach. Lays between our holdin's like the ham in a sandwich.

'You've been wantin' to sell, ain't you? says I. 'I've heard you whinin' around for months because you couldn't sell. Now you HAVE sold. What more do you want? He got mad. 'You ain't sold YOUR holdin's at any fourteen dollars a share, have you? he says. I told him I hadn't. 'No, and I'll bet you won't, either, says he. I told him he'd make money if he could get somebody to take the bet.

It's the so't of cattle we've got hyah as citizens that's handicappin' us; but in spite of this, suh, ouah unsuhpassed strategical position is winnin' fo' us. We ah just now on the eve of great developments, Barslow, great developments! All my holdin's ah withdrawn from mahket until fu'theh notice.

Then it turned out there was something wrong with the pulp compressor dingus that was to have shot out containers at the rate of two hundred a minute. Some of us went over to Jersey to see it work; but all it produced while we was there was a groanin' sound and a smell of sour dough. I could have bought out the holdin's of the entire bunch for my return ticket.

Kid Wolf glanced around the room, and his eyes fell on paper and pen near the lamp. Placing his gun at his elbow, within easy reach, the Texan wrote steadily for a full minute. Then he turned and handed the cattle king the slip of paper. "Yo' through in Nueva Mex, Gentleman John," The Kid drawled. "It's just a question of who falls heir to yo' holdin's. Read that ovah." The cattle king read it.

"I'd already wired to Frisco and disposed o' my ditch-digger holdin's for over eight thousan'; I got over a thousan' left, five hundred paid on an automobile that's now asleep back o' this office, and a toehold on Paloma Rancho, twelve thousan' acres o' perfectly beautiful sand. "And now that you folks have dumped a cargo o' freight here marked D., S. & T., No. 1, I know we win.

Well, never mind that. What is it you're drivin' at, anyhow?" "Why, I tell you, Jeth. Course you know and I know that this is a perfectly sure investment to anybody that'll wait. I can't afford to wait, that's what's the matter. It kind of run acrost my mind that maybe you'd like to have my holdin's, my five hundred shares. I'll sell 'em to you reasonable." "Humph! I want to know!

An' when you've finished that, you can make a survey of the pulpwood available outside our present holdin's." "Quite a job, take it all in all." "Yes an' takin' it all in all, it'll take quite a man to fill it," retorted McNabb brusquely.

Then I leased my Dime Creek holdin's on royalties, an' that'll put me on my feet even ef this Golconda claim ain't all I think. But I done a lot o' prospectin' there once, an' it sure looks promisin'; an' besides it's right next t' the Midas, an' fer the last couple years or more Barclay has been takin' out wonderful pay there."

Maybe you remember how Aunty played up her skittish symptoms about them same bonds a few weeks back, the time she planned to exhibit me to Vee in my office boy job and got so badly jolted when she finds me posin' as a private sec instead? Went away real peeved, Aunty did that time. And now it looks like she was takin' it out by unloadin' her bond holdin's.