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I should have liked to get the monster's head and skin for my room." "It's a rum un," said Billy Widgeon, climbing up and staring in at the hole. "That's what it is, Mr Mark, sir; it's a rum un." "What's that?" cried Mark suddenly. "Here! hi! Bruff! Bruff! Bruff!"

Soon they gained the top of a rise of ground. Here the rocks were smooth and slippery, and in a twinkling Henry went down and rolled over and over down a long hill. "Hi! hi! stop yourself!" roared Barringford in quick alarm. "Stop, or ye'll go over the cliff!"

A squeaky voice was heard from the other side of the garden hedge of clipped yew. "Hi! farmer, is that the missing young man?" and presently a neighbour, by name John Sedgett, came trotting through the gate, and up the garden path. "I say," he remarked, "here's a rumpus. Here's a bobbery up at Fairly. Oh! Bob Eccles! Bob Eccles! At it again!" Mr.

"Hi! hi! don't you talk to me like that!" roared the guardian of the peace. "Then don't you accuse us of any crime," came quickly from Jack. "Didn't Mr. Fasick find you at the house?" demanded the constable. "He did, but we didn't go there to steal; we went there to see if everything was all right. He went there for the same purpose."

The morning was warming when he untied the new ladder and carried it from the roof rack. He laid it on the grass and assembled it, tying off the lifting rope. Jennifer put her head out the front door. "Where've you been?" "Hi, pretty good, huh?" He pointed to the shiny aluminum ladder. "I stopped for breakfast." He pointed to Verdi who was motionless beneath a rose bush by the corner of the house.

"Quick, Elfreda!" cried Grace. "Rifles and ammunition for all. For Hi and Hippy, too. We're being attacked!" "Him come along," chirped Ping Wing, trotting up to Elfreda with a rifle in either hand and two belts of ammunition. "Take them to the men," ordered Elfreda. Grace took command of her Overland Riders and placed them at advantageous points out of sight behind rocks and bushes.

I have him temporarily under control, and am certain that after I have ridden him for a day he will be as manageable as the rest of them. Where shall we meet you, Mr. Lang?" "Eight here at the corral. Three o'clock." Hi turned his back on them and walked away to give Grace's directions about the bronco to one of the wranglers.

Cross! You know how stupid I was last night? The coming storm well it was a silly note, and you will return it." "Oh, of course, if you wish me to," she answered carelessly, but clenching her hands. "C'est une boutade comme une autre!" He laughed again. His spirits were flying upwards like those of a criminal unexpectedly reprieved. "Yes just a fad. Hi, cabbee, stop here, will you?"

He removed it gently. "We'll have another here first anyhow," he declared. "Hi, Garçon! Ring the bell, there's a good chap, Monsieur dash it, I've forgotten your name. No, don't move. I'll do it myself." He rose and staggered towards the door. "The bell isn't that way, Monsieur," Madame exclaimed. "It is to the right. Louis, quick!" Monsieur Louis sprang to his feet.

Hi!" she answered. "Ah! There they are!" she said to Christophe. "Not a bad thing, either!" But on the contrary she was thinking that it was rather a pity. But speech was not given to woman for her to say what she is thinking.... Thank God! for there would be an end of morality on earth.... The voices came near. Her friends were near the road.