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"Hi beg your pardon, sir," says he; "but Hi'm most deeply concerned in hall of this," he says. "What do you mean, you shrimp?" says I. "Have you been mixed up in anything here?" "Hit was the mide across the way, sir across the wall, that is to say. Well, perhaps Hi've been too attentive to their Hemmy, sir, from the hupper-story window; but she was that pretty and so fond of me!

"I'm too groggy to go on. Hi've been drink-in' a bit too much to 'andle myself wi' a first-class man like yerself. Y've downed me, and y've downed me fair, for Hi'm not the man to whimper about not being fit. There's my hand. We're friends. We'll try hit again some day, when Hi've got the likker out o' me; won't we?" "Certainly, whenever you like," said Shorty, shak ing hands with him.

"Hi'm as 'ungry for blunt as the next bloke, an' ye sye there's plenty hin it " "Slathers of it, Bingo," said the mate earnestly. "Why, man! some of these islands down here are rotten with buried pirate gold. Millions and millions was stole and buried by them old boys." "Yah! Hi've 'eard hall that before, Hi 'ave. Who hain't?" said Bingo, with considerable shrewdness.

In hall me life hi've known only two that were fit to be in the pulpit." Returning to my own country, I found the conviction deepening wherever the slum had got a grip, that it was the problem not only of government but of humanity. In Chicago they are setting limits to it with parks and playgrounds and the home restored. In Cincinnati, in Cleveland, in Boston, they are bestirring themselves.

"Vell hi does, han noo hi've got me horders hi'll go right along." Mrs. Mumpson was like one who had been rudely shaken out of a dream, and she appeared to have sense enough to realize that she couldn't assume so much at first as she anticipated. She received from Jane a cup of coffee, and said feebly, "I can partake of no more after the recent trying events."

'Yes, sir; hand that dratted dog Carlo, hevery mornin', when hi goes to hair your sheets, gives me ha start with growlin' hat me from hunder the bed-clothes, wich 'e wraps 'isself hup hin hevery mornin', sir, like has hif 'e were a Christian. Now, sir, hi'm ready to slave hand wear myself hout for you, but has for slavin' for a dirty cur and a French brat, hi've no need to, han' hi won't. He.

That's my name, and if you'll send my card in to Sir Thomas, with my compliments, and say that hi've three words to say to him very particular; why, hi'll be obliged to you." And then Mr. Mollett handed Mr. Somers his card. "Mollett!" said Mr. Somers very unceremoniously. "Mollett, Mollett. Do you know the name, Herbert?" Herbert said that he did not. "It's about business, I suppose?" asked Mr.

There was scattering applause and a voice: "Ow, don't do that! Listen, 'ere! Hi've got a better plan." But the next speaker was blaring away at the top of his voice, making threatening faces and waving his clenched fists aloft and pounding with them on the top of his rostrum. "Now this," I said to myself, "is going to be something worth while.

"Tummas," answered the little man, severely, "since you seem to have accepted service with these heathen savages, it becomes you to do their bidding without hesitation; but I never expected to see a respectable English valet sink so low, I certainly never did." "Oh Lawk, Muster Bullen! Hi opes, sir, as you don't think Hi've done such a think of my hown free will. No, sir.

"Hi've got as 'igh as eighteen knots out of 'er, sir." "Signal 'full speed ahead' and call down to the firemen for all the steam we can carry." "Very well, sir." Caradoc looked at the light for a minute or two longer and then remarked to Madden. "They couldn't have repaired that submarine for several hours longer. They must have had two."