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Snyder left the ground in company with Carlton and Huckelby, and the three dined together in the overseer's dwelling. "Well," said Joe, after the three white men were out of hearing, "Marser Snyder bin try hesef to-day." "Yes," replied Ned; "he want to show de strange gentman how good he can preach." "Dat's a new sermon he gib us to-day," said Sandy.

She was also inclined to indulge the cynical thought that it might save Miss Lou, Scoville, Chunk indeed, all in whom she was interested further trouble if, as she phrased it, "Dat ar young cap'n gib Mad Whately he way onst too of'un. He des natchelly bawn ter mek folks trouble en I reck'n we git on wid he spook bettah ner hesef."

"Do you think I do not love you, Vingo, because you are black? You are always good to me, and what would I do without you to take me to the shore, whenever I like to go?" "O, little missy, I tink you can sympetize wid old black Bingo; but den, ebry body not like you; you's one ob de Lord's chilen hesef." "We are all the Lord's children, Vingo," said Mrs.

To be sure, massa Wendall often tell me, eber since dat day, dat I getting too full ob laugh, dat one extreme follow anoder; but I never tink young massa take hesef clean off!" and, wiping the whites of his eyes, he went out to hunt up old Nep to share his grief; but he soon returned, and locking the door after him, proceeded to fasten every window in the house.

Ole Unc' Sampson po'ful on spooks. He libed so long he get ter be sorter spook hesef, en dey say he talk ter um haf de time 'fo' he kiner des snuf out'n lak a can'l." "He wuz a silly old fool," growled Perkins, with a perceptible tremor in his voice. "Spect he wuz 'bout some tings," resumed Jute, "but know spooks, he sut'ny did.

At de sight ob her chile, all bleedin', and still, poor Phillis become all quiet, and her eyes were shut, just like good missus, when she find massa Harry take hesef away.

He feels that wrong has been shown his ancestors at their hands. I am glad, my child, that you were kind to the Indian." "Yes, mother, I love everybody; but I think I love those best who look as if no one cared for them. I suppose everybody loves poor Quady, only they forget to let him know it." "You like dat old Ingin, Sea-flower? why, he almost as black as Bingo hesef."