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As Anderson said, music had in a degree tamed the German "beast" of the north and made it possible to get on with him at all. Music rather than woman, religion, or the ideal of social intercourse, had partly softened him. The Bucher sons liked to come to table outdoors with spurs or side arms, and the Herr's favorite hunting equipment was often in evidence, recalling to him days of valiant sport.

Every corner was ransacked, every hiding-place examined, and a large store of costumes, and things of every kind, gathered in the course of the late Herr's wanderings in different lands, were dragged from their obscurity. His present habitation did not, however, suit his change of fortune: he must have a house in the most fashionable quarter of the town.

"Denn die Todten reiten Schnell." The strange driver evidently heard the words, for he looked up with a gleaming smile. The passenger turned his face away, at the same time putting out his two fingers and crossing himself. "Give me the Herr's luggage," said the driver, and with exceeding alacrity my bags were handed out and put in the caleche.

"The enemy seems to have maintained a bombardment all round General Herr's lines on February 21, 1916, but this general battering was done with a thousand pieces of field artillery. The grand masses of heavy howitzers were used in a different way.

The two comrades followed her into the cozy bedroom. "I vill haf to give you mein Herr's clothes, it's all I haf," and she smiled broadly. "Thank you, Frau Scheff," replied Jim; "while ours are getting dry it will give us more room to eat." "Aye, dot is a true wort," and she laughed with a jolly, shaking heartiness.

It was only in after days that the Englishman appreciated the full significance of this answer. "Speak English?" "No. Herr's German is excellent, however." "Humph!" The Englishman gave a final glance into the shining tubes of the gun, snapped the breach, and slipped it into the case. "You'll do. Return to the office; I'll be down presently." "Will Herr hunt this morning?"

But it was only the proprietor of the hotel. "Asking Herr's pardon," he said, "for this intrusion, but I have secured a man for you. I have the honor to recommend Johann Kopf as a good guide and hunter." "Send him up. If he pleases me, I'll use him." The proprietor withdrew.

From the standpoint of a lover it was altogether a different matter. "Gretchen," said I, "you are very good-looking." "It would not be difficult to tell Herr's nationality." "Which means ?" "That the American says in one sentence what it would take a German or a Frenchman several hundred sentences to say." Gretchen was growing more interesting every minute.

The windows stood wide open, the mild breeze swept gently in, and the sun also looked to see if everything was in order in "der alte Herr's" rooms. Far away between the trees gleamed the white pillars of the house, and the ground at our feet was covered with a blue carpet. It is said that nowhere in North Germany are there so many violets as in the vicinity of Weimar. And why?

Five minutes passed the number of passengers did not increase; ten minutes; a distant shriek the hoarse inquiry of the inspector had the Herr's companions yet gekommt? the sudden glare of a Cyclopean eye in the darkness, the ongliding of the long-jointed and gleaming spotted serpent, the train a hurried glance around the platform, one or two guttural orders, the slamming of doors, the remounting of black uniformed figures like caryatides along the marchepieds, a puff of vapor, and the train had come and gone without them.