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The success of Orestes' plot depended on the success of a bigger rebellion the attempt of Heraclian, Count of Africa, to conquer Rome. Heraclian had been defeated, and this was known to Cyril, but Orestes was misled by false intelligence, and counted on Heraclian's victory for his own triumph.

The would-be emperor summoned his guards around him and Hypatia, and made his way out as best he could, while the multitude melted away like snow before the rain, to find every church placarded by Cyril with the particulars of Heraclian's ruin.

Even Heraclian's rebellion, and Orestes' suspected conspiracy, were to the younger and coarser Goths a sort of child's play, at which they could look on and laugh, and bet, from morning till night; while to the more cunning heads, such as Wulf and Smid, they were but signs of the general rottenness new cracks in those great walls over which they intended, with a simple and boyish consciousness of power, to mount to victory when they chose.

I have not said it to the multitude, but to a discerning brother. And even politically speaking let him commit himself, if he be really plotting rebellion, and then speak, and smite his Babel tower. 'You think, then, that he does not know of Heraclian's defeat already? 'If he does, he will keep it secret from the people; and our chances of turning them suddenly will be nearly the same. 'Good.

Hoarse with denying, protesting, appealing, the would-be emperor had at last to summon his guards around him and Hypatia, and make his way out of the theatre as best he could; while the multitude melted away like snow before the rain, and poured out into the streets in eddying and roaring streams, to find every church placarded by Cyril with the particulars of Heraclian's ruin.

I shall beg my passage on board the first ship to Cyrene, and go and study life in Italy with Heraclian's expedition. Quick take the jewels, and breed fresh troubles for yourself with them. I am going. My liberators are battering the outer door already. Miriam greedily tore out of the closet diamonds and pearls, rubies and emeralds, and concealed them among her ample robes 'Go! go!

'I have treated already with all the officers of the city, and every one of them has acted like a wise man, and given me a promise of help, conditional of course on Heraclian's success, being as tired as I am of that priest-ridden court at Byzantium. Moreover, the stationaries are mine already. So are the soldiery all the way up the Nile.

In vain did the good Arsenius represent to him not only the scandal but the unrighteousness of his new canonisation. 'I must have fuel, my good father, was his answer, 'wherewith to keep alight the flame of zeal. If I am to be silent as to Heraclian's defeat, I must give them some other irritant, which will put them in a proper temper to act on that defeat, when they are told of it.

'What of them? yelled the hapless Prefect. 'Have they been forestalling? 'My assiduity has discovered this afternoon that they have been buying up and exporting all the provisions which they could obtain. 'Scoundrels! Then they must have known of Heraclian's failure! 'Your sagacity has, I fear, divined the truth.

The public buildings were placarded with the news of Heraclian's victory; and groups of loungers expressed, loudly enough, their utter indifference as to who might rule at Rome or even at Byzantium. Let Heraclian or Honorius be emperor, the capitals must be fed; and while the Alexandrian wheat-trade was uninjured, what matter who received the tribute?