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We was all three together from the toime we shtarted till we got back, and it's the love av God that we ever got back at all. And it's breaking me hearrt, sorr, to see HIM goin' round with the black looks of everybody upon him, and he a-twirlin' his moustache and purtending not to mind." "What do you mean?" said Peter, uneasily.

Dore on one side and Dicky on the other. “And sure, me own hearrt was telling me the trut’ all the toime did Oi but listhen to utfor ’twas loving this foine little lad ivry minut av the day.” She patted Dicky’s head. “And me niver seeing the baby that had me own name!” She cuddled Delia close. “OI’m the happiest woman in the whole woide wurrld this day.”

"Listen!" she cried, trying to drag him faster. "Listen, will ye? It makes me wild entirely! Give me yer hand! Come on and dance wid me! It's in me hearrt I feel it, in me blood. To the devil with me suet puddings and shepherd-poies that singing's real, that's loife, that's lovely as a dhream! It's what I've been looking for iver since I can remember. I've got it!"

'What's th' news of th' day? says th' prisidint. 'Nawthin' doin', says th' janitor. 'Then wake up and sind Flannery a gineral order t' learn th' Declaration av Indepindince by hearrt, says th' prisidint. 'Mebby he do be gittin' lazy! 'And shall I add on th' Constitution av th' United States? says th' janitor. 'Sure! says th' prisidint, ''t will do Flannery no harm t' be busy."

"'Tis the big hearrt of him that leads his judgment asthray," she said, exulting none the less, as she spoke, over the prospect of handling all those rich materials and for once having the chance to display her skilled cookery. "I said as much as I dared, lest I hurrt his pride, but 'Tis but wanct a year, Missus Kelcey, says he, an' I said no more." The thrifty Scotswoman shook her head.

I'm thinkin' th' reason th' professor is so down is that he has lost th' flea of his hearrt." "Poor man!" said Mrs. Muldoon. "An' th' reason I'm thinkin' so," said Flannery slowly, and leaning toward Mrs. Muldoon across the table, "is that, if I be not mistaken, Missus Muldoon, th' professor's educated flea spent last night with Mike Flannery!" Mrs.

'Paleography! Thim be nice words t' order th' agints av th' ixpriss company t' be usin'!" He pulled at a lock of his hair thoughtfully. "I wonder, now," he said, "do they want Mike Flannery t' learn all thim words by hearrt, and use thim all. Should I be usin' thim all in one letter, or distribute thim throughout th' correspondince, or what?