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"While they was purtending to dry me and patting me all over they must 'ave taken it out of my pocket." "Wot are you talking about?" ses George, staring at me. "The box 'as gorn," I ses, putting down the 'ot rum and feeling in my trouser-pocket. "The box 'as gorn, and them two must 'ave taken it." "Gorn!" ses George. "Gorn! My box with twenty-five pounds in, wot I trusted you with, gorn?

"While they was purtending to dry me and patting me all over they must 'ave taken it out of my pocket." "Wot are you talking about?" ses George, staring at me. "The box 'as gorn," I ses, putting down the 'ot rum and feeling in my trouser-pocket. "The box 'as gorn, and them two must 'ave taken it." "Gorn!" ses George. "Gorn! My box with twenty-five pounds in, wot I trusted you with, gorn?

I stood there dazed-like while two bits o' coke came flying back past my 'ed; then I 'eard a loud whistle, and 'e came out agin with 'is eyes rolling and 'is mouth wide open. "'Wot's the matter? ses the skipper, staring at 'im. "'I I I'm sorry, watchman, ses that beast of a boy, purtending 'e was 'ardly able to speak. 'I'd no idea "'All right, I ses, very quick.

"And now I'm going to give you in charge," I ses, pushing 'im along towards the gate. "Wot for?" he ses, purtending to be surprised. "Stealing," I ses. "You've made a mistake," he ses; "you can search me if you like." "More use to search the dock," I ses. "I see you throw it in. Now you keep quiet, else you'll get 'urt. If you get five years I shall be all the more pleased."

"Where the divil have ye put me into," says Terence inside, "bad luck to your sowls," says he, "let me out, or I'll be smothered this minute," says he. "There's no use in purtending," says the boy, "the gandher's spakin', glory be to God," says he. "Let me out, you murdherers," says Terence.

"Are you old Bill?" he ses. "I'm the watchman," I ses, sharp-like. "Wot d'you want?" "Don't bite me!" he ses, purtending to draw back. "I ain't done no 'arm. I've come round about that glass you smashed at the Bear's Head." "Glass!" I ses, 'ardly able to speak. "Yes, glass," he ses "thing wot yer drink out of.

I told 'im so one day, and arter that we knew where we was. Both of us. "By rights he ought to 'ave left the office at six just my time for coming on. As it was, he used to stay late, purtending to work 'ard so as to get a rise. Arter all the clerks 'ad gorn 'ome he used to sit perched up on a stool yards too 'igh for him, with one eye on the ledger and the other looking through the winder at me.

"'Hut! said the other, 'what could we expect from a proud piece like her, that brings a Manwill* to mass every Sunday, purtending she can read in it, and Jem Finigan saw the wrong side of the book towards her, the Sunday of the Purcession! * Manuel a Catholic Prayer-book.

I 'ung fire for a bit, and then, arter sweeping up for a little while deliberate-like, I put down my broom and stepped aboard to see the skipper, wot was sitting on the cabin skylight purtending to read a newspaper. He put it down when 'e see me, and George and the others, wot 'ad been standing in a little bunch for'ard, came aft and stood looking on.

We was all three together from the toime we shtarted till we got back, and it's the love av God that we ever got back at all. And it's breaking me hearrt, sorr, to see HIM goin' round with the black looks of everybody upon him, and he a-twirlin' his moustache and purtending not to mind." "What do you mean?" said Peter, uneasily.