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One hot forenoon lately, when we were through at home, an old gentlemanly make of a fellow came into our fold, and said, quite natural, that he wanted somebody to go with him on to the fells. We all stopped, and took a good look at him before anybody spoke; but at last father said, middling sharp-like, he always speaks that way, does father, when we're busy,

He looked kind of thoughtful then, an' I knew what was comin'....'How's the King? 'Grand' I told him 'grand. 'When is them races comin' off? I said we hadn't planned the time yet, but it would be soon inside of a month or two. 'Brackton, he said, sharp-like, 'is Bostil goin' to pull a gun on me at sight? 'Reckon he is, I told him.

You know, sir, how I likes the machines and studies 'em at odd times. The flyin' was over and there wasn't anybody around the sheds but Lawrence and me. I was lookup at his machine, and, no doubt, botherin' him, an he says sharp-like: "'You can't understand these machines. It takes an educated man like me to understand 'em.

"Are you old Bill?" he ses. "I'm the watchman," I ses, sharp-like. "Wot d'you want?" "Don't bite me!" he ses, purtending to draw back. "I ain't done no 'arm. I've come round about that glass you smashed at the Bear's Head." "Glass!" I ses, 'ardly able to speak. "Yes, glass," he ses "thing wot yer drink out of.

An' so Peter, an' so I be goin' away a sojer p'r'aps I shan't love the dear lass quite so much arter a bit p'r'aps it won't be quite so sharp-like, arter a bit, but what's to be is to be. I've larned wisdom, an' you an' she was made for each other an' meant for each other from the first; so don't go to clench ye fists again me no more, Peter." "Never again, George!" said I.

"You could study a life on women," Rutherford Berry pronounced, "and never come to any satisfaction. It seems to me the better they be the more sharp-like they get. There's your sister, Gord the way she does about the house, and with all the children to tend, is a caution to Dunkards. She does all you could ask and again. But it just seems she can't be pleasant with it.

It was a good thing Daisy was going away for a few days; it made the problem of Mr. Sleuth and his queer ways less disturbing. She, Ellen, was sorry she had spoken so sharp-like to the girl, but after all it wasn't wonderful that she had been snappy. This last night she had hardly slept at all.

"'The same! what? "'Why the devil. "'H -l! this ain't the hollow tree for this coon I'll be making medicine, so I offers my cigar to the sky and to the earth, like an Injun. "'You must not do that here out upon such superstition, says he, sharp-like. "'Why?

Then he pointed up to the big house and the old Keep yonder, and asked whose place that might be, and I said that was the Squire's. 'And who may the Squire be? says he. 'Mr. Marston Greyle, says I, 'Recent come into the property. 'Marston Greyle! he says, sharp-like. 'Why, I used to know a young man of that very name in America! he says.

'Yes, says I, 'but she ain't a little girl now. She's growed up. 'Is she purty? he ast. 'Yes, says I, 'purty as a speckled pup! 'I'd like to see her, he said. 'I hear she was a beautiful baby. I hope she is very, very happy. 'What's that to you? says I, sharp-like. 'I am very much interested in her, Mr. Crow, he answered.