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Rochow is still Commandant, the same old Rochow who shrunk so questionably in Haddick's time: but Rochow has no Court to tremble for at present; Queen and Royal Family, Archives, Principal Ministries, Directorium in a body, went all to Magdeburg again, on the Kunersdorf Disaster last year, and are safe from such insults.

During the above intricate War-Dance of Five, the day while Friedrich was at Sommerfeld, the day before he came in sight of Haddick's meal-wagons going the wrong road, there went on, at Minden, on the Weser, three hundred miles away, a beautiful feat of War, in the highest degree salutary to Duke Ferdinand and Britannic Majesty's Ministry; feat which requires a word from us here.

FORTRESS OF PEITZ. The poor Fortress of Peitz was taken again; do readers remember it, "on the day of Zorndorf," last year? He was captor of Berlin in 1757, did the Inroad on Berlin that year, and produced Rossbach shortly after. Peitz, if he did Peitz, was Haddick's last success in the world.

Rochow, ignorant of Haddick's force, marched off thereupon for Spandau with the Royal Family and effects; leaving Haddick master of the suburb, and Berlin to make its own bargain with him. Royal Family and effects returned from Spandau the day following; but in a day or two more, removed to Magdeburg till the Capital were safe from such affronts. Much grumbling against Rochow. "What could I do?

That is Dauphiness's posture while Friedrich encamps at Lutzen: let impatient human nature fix these three places for itself, and hasten to the catastrophe of wretched Dauphiness. Being puffed up with general vanity, and the newspaper rumor about Haddick's feat, which, like the gloves it got, is going all to left-hand in this way.

Their intention, Friedrich thinks, especially Haddick's intention, may be towards Brandenburg, and even Berlin: wherefore he has summoned Henri to look after it. Henri, resting in cantonments about Tschopau and Dresden, after the late fatigues, and idle for the moment, hastens to obey; and is in Bautzen neighborhood, from about the end of June and onward.