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Much fish was salted and cured there; but I know not on what ground Kaltwasser concludes that the word 'Malach' means Salt. See the Lives of Marius and Sertorius. Sulla lauded in Italy B.C. 83. Sicinius was Tribunus Plebis B.C. 76. The Roman proverb to which Plutarch alludes occurs in Horatius, 1 Sat. 4. 34: "Foenum habet in cornu, longe fuge."

The old town, lying asleep in the darkness, with all that it contained of the living and the dead, became even more dear to him: for he felt that a menace hung over it.... Hostis habet muros.... Quick, let us save our women and children! Death is lying in wait for all that we love. Let us hasten to carve the passing face upon eternal bronze.

Will we remove from them all occasion of wishing our death though no occasion of so horrid a wish can either be just or excusable? "Nullum scelus rationem habet." Let us reasonably accommodate their lives with what is in our power.

'Virtus autem, quae est per se ipsa laudabilis, et sine qua nihil laudari potest, tamen habet plures partes, quarum alia est alia ad laudationem aptior. Sunt enim aliae virtutes, quae videntur in moribus hominum, et quadam comitate ac beneficentia positae: aliae quae in ingenii aliqua facultate, aut animi magnitudine ac robore.

Men, women and children screamed with excitement. No longer did they cheer the handsome young patrician, no longer did they throw roses at his feet. They shouted to him to run because they knew that running was no use. They urged the panther to leap because they fanned its rage with their screams. "Habet! Habet!" they shouted with every bound of the ferocious creature. "Habet!

Another blow he falls he falls!" "Earth revives him then. He is once more up; but the blood rolls down his face." "By the Thunderer! Lydon wins it. See how he presses on him! That blow on the temple would have crushed an ox! it has crushed Tetraides. He falls again he cannot move habet! habet!" "Habet!" repeated Pansa. "Take them out and give them the armor and swords." ...

"Erret, et extremos alter scrutetur Iberos. Plus habet hic vitae, plus habet ille viae." Let them wander and scrutinize the outlandish Australians. I have more of God, they more of the road. It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar. Yet do this even till you can do better, and you may perhaps find some "Symmes' Hole" by which to get at the inside at last.

Sunt sua praemia laudi, says Virgil; and so Cicero, Nihil habet natura praestantius, quam honestatem, quam laudem, quam dignitatem, quam decus, which he tells you are all names for the same thing. This is the language of the heathen philosophers, who well understood wherein their notions of virtue and vice consisted.

"Brains!" snorted Riedriech. "What is it you know about brains? No doctor knows what is on the inside of brains! You make tinkerings mit the inside plumbings, Gott bewahre! and cut up womens and cats and such-like poor little dumb beasts and says you, 'Now I know all about the brains of man. It is right there where you are wrong, Comrade Geddes!" "Habet!" said Comrade Geddes.

He even plays upon the word, using it in senses which it will hardly bear. Libycae mortes are serpents; Accessit morti Libye, "Libya added to the mortality of the army;" nulla cruentae tantum mortis habet; "no other reptile causes a death so bloody." To one so unhealthily familiar with the idea, the reality, when it came, seems to have brought unusual terrors.