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Provide him with a lavish supply of grease-paint, wigs, and the contents of the chaplain's or the officer of his division's wardrobe, and the success or otherwise of his turn, when it ultimately comes, matters little to the sailor-man. He has had his hour. In front of the stage, a little in advance of the men, rows of chairs and benches provided sitting accommodation for the officers.

Crocker had described it, and just what he had about despaired of ever finding. Surely his cup of happiness was full to the brim. We can forgive him; we who still remember those glimpses behind the scenes our first and never-to- be-forgotten! How real everything seemed, even the grease-paint, the wigs, and the clothes. And the walking gentleman and the leading old man and low comedian!

On chairs and tables lay Mlle. d' Armilly's changes of dress for the performance and her street garments, while upon a broad shelf in front of a mirror were the various mysterious articles used in her make-up rouge, grease-paint, poudre de riz, etc., together with brushes and numerous camel's hair pencils.

It was not for a moment that he noticed Clarence. "Ah," he said, "the interviewer, eh? You wish to " Clarence began to explain his mission. While he was doing so the Grand Duke strolled to the basin and began to remove his make-up. He favoured, when on the stage, a touch of the Raven Gipsy No. 3 grease-paint.

"Jolly few of them without grease-paint on." "But you see them all painted up." He burst into laughter. "Then they're beastly, near by! You silly kid, don't you know? We've got to make up, otherwise no one in front would be able to see our mouths and noses and eyes. From the front we look lovely; but close to we're horrors." "Well, how should I know that?" asked Jane.

The accent and the stick went together into the gutter, Stanton laughingly told us. An immortal moment! The poseur with his mask off, at last! Beneath all that grease-paint and charlatanism there was a solid, suffering, lonely man; and even in his own dazed condition Stanton was quick to recognize it, and to rejoice in the revelation.

By which the author clearly means that half the battle is won when, by the aid of nose-paste or "toupee" paste and grease-paint, powder, crêpe hair, spirit-gum, wig and the like, one has arrived at looking like the character. Instead of this being half the battle, it does not amount to a tenth.

The famous "Middle-class Music-halls" faded quickly into the limbo of forgotten failures, and the most popular of public performers were those and they were not a few who forsook grease-paint for khaki, and posturing on stages for exercising on rifle-ranges and drill-grounds.

I was bathed in a coward sweat whilst I stood near the central doors of the stage-chamber into which I was shortly to walk like a sheep to the slaughter. The cue came, and I entered mechanically crushing an opera-hat against my shirt-front. I know that if the audience could have seen the face below the grease-paint and the powder, they would have seen something very like the face of a corpse.

They all filed out of the greenroom and crossed the stage to where, at the back, a narrow, rickety wooden stairs led to their so-called dressing-rooms tiny, dark cubicles, ill-lighted, unventilated, where some half-dozen of the lesser stars tumbled over one another while removing wigs and grease-paint. Armand and de Batz watched this exodus, both with equal impatience. Mlle.