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I've no patience with him or with Ruth for marrying him. We never can see the reason for other people's marriages, but that one above all others was incomprehensible. If ever a woman needed to marry a dynamo to bring out her best it was Ruth Temple. And she married Bernard Graves a man who has degenerated into a poseur before women's clubs. Marriages made in heaven indeed!

Since all his life he had loved to play a deceiver's part and played it with varying luck, now he was condemned to play through to a desperately sad end with his harlequin-like manners. He played miserably and absurdly enough but at least the role corresponded to himself, and the former poseur now for the first time came on the stage without his mask, not to his advantage.

The irrepressible Wilkinson had struck true to the mark of his weaknesses, but something could well be said for the unhappy poseur in whom his shaft had quivered.

The stage-struck youth is of a softer and more shallow sort. He seeks, not a chance to test his mettle by hard and useful work, but an easy chance to shine. He craves the regard, not of men, but of women. He is, in brief, a hollow and incompetent creature, a strutter and poseur, a popinjay, a pretty one.... I thus beg the question, but explain the actor.

Frederic Myers were curious illustrations of his subconscious activities his Brownies, as he called them. Throughout life, he always played his part, as in childhood, with full conscious and picturesque effect, as did the great Montrose and the English Admirals, in whom he notes this dramatic trait. He was not a poseur; he was merely sensitively conscious of himself and of life as an art.

It's in any man to play high when the good opinion of the one woman is the stake. I'm a poseur, like all the others." She smiled down on him and the slate-blue eyes were reading him to the latest-indited heart-line. "You are posing now," she asseverated. "Don't I know? don't I always and always know?"

"'And may it be soon, Monsieur le Poseur, says I, answering his salute. "And it's proved sooner than either of us expected. There's he: here'm I. One side this wall the first light cavalryman in Europe, 'tother Harry Joy, ex-Captain of British infantry. Now we've got to see which is the better man." He squared his shoulders.

Never was any man less a 'poseur'; he made simply and helplessly known what he was at any and every moment, and he would join the witness very cheerfully in enjoying whatever was amusing in the disadvantage to himself.

Why couldn't I have amused my idle fancy with their fortunes the sort of husband and father they had, their shabby home, the struggle of their life? That is the appeal that a genuine person listens to. Nothing does more to stamp me a poseur than the fact that I preferred to bemoan myself for a sulky girl who seemed not to be having a good time."

His excuse was that Mother Beckett would deal out more wisely than Dierdre his Red Cross supplies to the returned refugees; so we had the girl with us; and I caught reproachful glances if I was slow in answering my blind brother. She herself suspects him as a poseur, yet she judges me careless of his needs which I should find funny, if it didn't make me furious!