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Trembling in every limb, he could not speak, but motioned to a slave to deliver Manlius' letter to Glyceria. The courtiers whispered together in astonishment. "What a fortunate man you are," Ævius whispered in the ear of the new favourite. "Why did not I have the good luck to possess Glyceria's love, that I might cast it from me with the same indifference?"

"My bride?" asked Manlius, in a tone of astonishment. "Your mind is wandering, old Mesembrius." "Have the Furies robbed you of your reason that you no longer remember that, but three days ago, you asked for my daughter's hand and I gave it to you?" "Your daughter's hand, certainly," replied Manlius, with unshaken calmness. "Not this daughter's here, however, but Glyceria's."

Glyceria, in blissful delusion, yielded to his embrace, and in her happiness had almost silenced the warning voice in her heart, when Carinus' cheek suddenly touched hers, and she discovered that his face was beardless. The most terrible thought darted through Glyceria's brain. "Ha! Who are you? You are not Manlius. Be accursed! You are Carinus."

You will preserve a happy life for others; I shall cast from me a wretched one." Sophronia clasped her sister's hands in both her own, and gazed with her pure eyes deep into Glyceria's troubled, sorrowful ones. "You were the woman who, on the night I was captured, offered me her horse to escape?" "Why do you speak of that?" "Do you remember my answer?"

When Carinus showed the ring, he was conducted without delay to Glyceria's apartments. The palace already stood wrapped in silence and darkness.

Until dawn I shall be with you, and in possession of my happiness. Your languishing husband, Manlius Sinister. Send this letter by a slave, and put on this ring, which you must show at the door. Then you will be admitted, and Glyceria's women will conduct you where she awaits you." Carinus listened greedily to every word from Manlius, who coolly handed him the ring and the letter.