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The Dose must be repeated according to the urgency of the Symptoms; and the Medicine must be continued some Time after the Complaints disappear, to prevent a Relapse. It will be serviceable during the Use of the AETHER, especially in Case of Costiveness, to take at proper Intervals a gentle Purge, such as Tinctura Sacra, Pill Rufi, Rhubarb, or Glauber's Salts.

They found that the hillsides and even the banks of the rivers and sand-bars were covered with "a white substance, which appears in considerable quantities on the surface of the earth, and tastes like a mixture of common salt with Glauber's salts."

Heavy milkers should be given one-half pound of Glauber's salts a day or two before calving, and the dose repeated when the cow becomes fresh. Cows affected with milk-fever seldom die if treated promptly. The milk-fever apparatus should be clean, and the air injected filtered.

Following parturition, a dose of Epsom or Glauber's salts may be given. If the young does not take all the milk, the udder should be milked out as clean as possible. Massaging the udder by kneading or stroking may be practised. The following treatment is recommended: The application of a thick coating of antiphlogistin once or twice daily is a useful remedy.

In other cases a teaspoonful of Glauber's Salts, taken in a large tumblerful of hot water, half-an-hour before breakfast, for a few weeks, will relieve almost entirely. Readers must note not to use both the salts and vinegar drink at once. They are intended to cure different sorts of stomach acidity, caused differently. Aconite.

In the more severe cases the bird acts dull, the feathers are ruffled and it moves about very little. The treatment consists in removing the cause, and giving the flock a tonic mixture in the feed. The following mixture may be used: powdered gentian and powdered ginger, eight ounces of each, Glauber's salts four ounces, and sulfate of iron two ounces.

I am informed from high authority, that if you give Glauber's salts to hens, they will lay eggs as fast as you please! To MISS RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, October 1811. Davy spent a day here last week, and was as usual full of entertainment and information of various kinds.

But put me down in New York with that woman there and that there dance and that tune Say! You don't understand. You can't imagine. Money? Say! And not only money. Say! I could take that up to Glauber's Academy, and I could say to Glauber, 'Glauber, I could say " I had to leave him standing there, up to his knees in the inky water, heaping me frankly with curses. I shall not repeat the curses.

Later a sloppy diet of sweet milk, green feed and mashes should be fed. Such purgatives as aloes and Glauber's salts are indicated at a very early stage in the disease. We must encourage the elimination of waste products by way of the skin in the larger animals by vigorous rubbing, blanketing and the administration of such drugs as pilocarpine.

"Glauber's Academy" "Einstein's Restaurant" "Herald Square" I can't tell you how bizarrely those half-fabulous names fell from Signet's lips in the turquoise and gold of the afternoon. It was like the babble of some monstrous and harmless mythology.