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When check'd for this, they'd often tell ye, 'Indeed her nainsell's a tume belly; You'll no gie't wanting bought, nor sell me; Hersell will hae't; Go tell King Shorge, and Shordy's Willie, I'll hae a meat. I saw the soldiers at Linton-brig, Because the man was not a Whig, Of meat and drink leave not a skig, Within his door; They burnt his very hat and wig, And thump'd him sore.

"On mine honour, a pretty warder," said Monkbarns; "and what's my wig to do all the while?" "I asked Caxon that very question," answered Ochiltree, "and he said he could look in ilka morning, and gie't a touch afore he gaed to his bed, for there's another man to watch in the day-time, and Caxon says he'll friz your honour's wig as weel sleeping as wauking."

No answer from Baubie, who seemed to be absorbed in watching the drops running off the end of her little red nose, which played the part of a gargoyle to the rest of her face. Miss Mackenzie repeated the question, sternly almost: "Bauble Wishart, I insist upon knowing who gave you that bruise." "A didna gie't to mysel', mem." was the answer from the figure in the soapsuds.

"Weel, that's a' that a' mind, an' the rest a' leave tae yersel'. A've neither kith nor kin tae bury me, sae you an' the neeburs 'ill need tae lat me doon; but gin Tammas Mitchell or Saunders be stannin' near and lookin' as if they wud like a cord, gie't tae them, Paitrick.

"He's gaein' to shaw me whaur his father dee'd, an' whaur they leevit in sic meesery a' throu' the drink I gae 'im, an' the respectable hoose I keepit to 'tice him till't! He wad hae me persuaudit to lea' aff the drink! Weel, I'm a heap better nor ance I was, an' gie't up I wull a'thegither afore it comes to the last wi' me." By this time Gibbie was leading her up the dark stair.

"Weel, that's a' that a' mind, an' the rest a' leave tae yersel'. A've neither kith nor kin tae bury me, sae you an' the neeburs 'ill need tae lat me doon; but gin Tammas Mitchell or Saunders be stannin' near and lookin' as if they wud like a cord, gie't tae them, Paitrick.

"Hout, tout, man," said Francie, "the Earl will look at nae petitions but I can gie't to the almoner." "But it relates to some secret, that maybe my lord wad like best to see't himsell." "I'm jeedging that's the very reason that the almoner will be for seeing it the first and foremost." "But I hae come a' this way on purpose to deliver it, Francis, and ye really maun help me at a pinch."

Jemmie, lad, just gie't its fill an' we'll pit the saw until a log," said Urquhart, as they went up into the sawing-room where, in a few minutes, the colonel had an exhibition of the saw sticking fast in a log for lack of power. "Man, yon's a lad that kens his trade. He's frae Gleska. He earns his money's warth."

They'll gie me quarters at Monkbarns readily eneugh, and I'll e'en hirple awa there wi' the wean, for it will knock its hams out, puir thing, if there's no somebody to guide the pony. Sae ye hae a letter, hinney? will ye let me see't?" "I'm no gaun to let naebody see the letter," sobbed the boy, "till I gie't to Mr. Lovel, for I am a faithfu' servant o' the office if it werena for the powny."

"Weel, that's a' that a' mind, an' the rest a' leave tae yersel'. A've neither kith nor kin tae bury me, sae you an' the neeburs 'ill need tae lat me doon; but gin Tammas Mitchell or Saunders be stannin' near and lookin' as if they wud like a cord, gie't tae them, Paitrick.