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Johnny Connolly advanced, still calling upon his God, and the mare uttered a low but vehement neigh. "Ye're deshtroyed, Miss Fanny! And Mr. Gunning, the Lord save us! Ye're killed the two o' ye! What happened ye at all? Woa, gerr'l, woa, gerrlie! Ye'd say she knew me, the crayture."

Twomey responded with a long and jubilant crow of laughter. "Yerra, gerr'l alive !" she corrected herself quickly. "My lady alive, I should say sure a little thing like me'd tell lies as fast as a hen'd pick peas!" The modesty, as well as the accuracy, of this statement silenced Miss Coppinger for a moment. "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself!" she resumed with much severity.

"I'll keep a holt o' the rope, Miss Fanny," said Johnny, assiduously fondling his pupil; "it might be she'd be strange in herself for the first offer. I'll lead her on a small piece. Come on, gerr'l! Come on now!" The pupil, thus adjured, made a hesitating movement, and Fanny settled herself down into the saddle.

"I assure you I was as civil as I knew how to be," asserted Frederica. "I'm sure you were!" said the Reverend Charles, stuffing a pipe as he spoke, and sniggering into the bowl. Miss Coppinger was justified in believing that Christian had been a success with Father Sweeny. "I declare I could like that gerr'l, Christian Lowry," he said to Father Greer. "She's a good gerr'l enough. Decent! Civil!"

Sure he'll never look at ye!" These consisted of a long covert coat, a still longer pair of yellow knitted stockings, and a pair of pumps. "Sure they're the only best we have," continued Mary Ann Whooly, pooling, as it were, her wardrobe with that of the lodger. "God's will must be, Miss Muriel, my darlin' gerr'l!"

And she a fine, hard, hearty, blushy, big lump of a gerr'l. And 'tis true what they said " The details that followed were hissed, prestissimo, into the ear of Miss Coppinger, but that Dr. Aherne was to be blamed, was made as clear to Dick Talbot-Lowry as to his cousin. The tale was concluded in tears. "Look! I has to cry when I thinks of it!" It is impossible with Mrs.