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This time Blount's reply was icy. But now Gantry's eyes were twinkling and he pressed his advantage. "You'll have to reckon pretty definitely with her if you go out to the greasewood country, Evan. Next to your father, she is the court of last resort; indeed, there are a good many people who insist that she is the court the power behind the throne, you know."

"It says itself, if I am supposed to cut the pie and hand out pieces of it to these grub-stakers that you and Carson and Bentley and Kittredge are continually sending to me." This time Gantry's grin was playful, but behind it there was a shrewd flash of the Irish-blue eyes that Blount did not see.

If Gantry's replies were such as he feared they would be, he would seek his father and come at once to a plain understanding with him. The trolley car dropped him within a square of the railway station, on the second floor of which Gantry had his business office. The shortest way to the Sierra Avenue end of the station building was through the great train-shed.

"Ranlett is mistaken about twenty minutes mistaken," was Gantry's reply. "Mr. McVickar passed through here a few minutes ago on his way to Twin Canyons City. His special has been gone some little time." "When is he coming back?" "I don't know." "Did you see him?" "I did."

But for the hospitable turning aside he might have reached the railroad office in time to see a round-bodied man halting at the open door of Gantry's private room for a parting word with the traffic manager. "Oh, yes; he fell for it, all right," was the form the parting word took.

Gantry's expression, it was fortunate for her daughter that Genevieve came in upon them. Dolores divined this last from the sudden mellowing of her mother's face. She whirled up out of her chair and around, with a cry of joyous escape: "Oh, Vievie! You're just in time to save me!" "From what, dear?" asked Genevieve, smilingly permitting herself to be crumpled in an impetuous embrace.

I'm not saying that you couldn't produce the goods, you know. If you could break into Gantry's and Kittredge's private files, the trick would be turned. But I know well enough you're not going to do that." Blount got up out of the broken chair and buttoned his coat. "I needn't take any more of your time just now," he said.

He was not abnormally curious, but Blount's communicative mood was unusual enough to warrant a quickening of interest. "The greatest possible misfortune that can ever come to a half-grown boy, Dick my mother died." Gantry's own boyhood was not so deeply buried in the past as to make him forgetful of its joys and sorrows. "That was hard mighty hard," he assented.

He is out of the city now, but " Here Gantry's coming put an end to the private conference, and the president of the Twin Buttes company went his way. Not until they had served out their full sentence at Mrs.

Blake met her supercilious bearing toward him with an impassiveness that was intended to mask his contemptuous resentment. But Genevieve saw and understood. She rose and quietly remarked: "You'll excuse us, Aunt Amice. I wish Mr. Blake to see the palm room. I fancy it will carry him back to Mozambique." Mrs. Gantry's look said that she wished Mr.