United States or Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Next, lumber-wagon with load of boards; horse wants to turn up, and driver switches him and cries "G'lang," and the horse reluctantly goes by, turning his head wistfully towards the flowing spout.

Eva had shot a swift glance of utmost rancor at the Lloyds, then sat stiff and upright until they passed. "I wouldn't ask Ellen to bow to that woman," said she, fiercely, between her teeth. "I hate the whole tribe." No one heard her except Andrew, and he shook the lines over the steady stable horse, and said, "G'lang!" hoarsely. Mrs.

Say thar's another Injin skeer on; that that thar bloodthirsty ole 'Fleas in His Blanket' is on the warpath, and you're goin' to shed the last drop o' your blood defendin' her! That'll fetch her, and she ain't bin treatin' you well! G'lang!"

As he got there the sounds of the mule's progress, and the rattle of the wagon, suddenly ceased. "G'lang! G'lang! Don't yo' dare t' stop now, when we am most dere!" cried Eradicate Sampson. "Keep a-movin', Boomerang!" "It's all right, Eradicate.

"You git all de freedom you wants ef you does ez I sez." "Mo'n I wants ef I've got ter min' ev'ybody, eben dem w'at's neber growed up." "I des step ter de gin'ral en say you hab dejections 'bout cookin' he dinner. Den I tell 'im ter order out a char'ot ter tek you ter glory." "G'lang! imperdence," said Aun' Suke, resuming her duties. "La!

Pepper and Phronsie leaned out of the window to bow right and left into smiling faces, Ben and Davie did the same over their heads. "Good-by," sang out Joel, whom the stage driver had taken up beside him. "Here we are, off for the little brown house. G'lang!"

"You go this minute and set the men to work on your house again. You leave the horse here I'll watch him and go and tell Sam Plummer to come and get the other men." "G'lang!" said Barney, and the horse pulled the plough forward with a jerk. Mrs. Thayer seized Barney's arm. "You stop!" said she. "Whoa, whoa! Now you look here, Barnabas Thayer.

You hear "Place aux dames" on one side of the street, and "g'lang" on the other; and the United States have contributed their hotel system and their slang. Montreal is an extraordinary place. It is alive with business and enterprising traders, with soldiers, carters, and equipages. Through the kindness of the Bishop, I saw everything of any interest in the town.

Year, as it succeeds year, sees them driven farther west, as their hunting-grounds are absorbed by the insatiate white races. The twang of the Indian bow, and the sharp report of the Indian rifle, are exchanged for the clink of the lumberer's axe and the "g'lang" of the sturdy settler.

I don't believe the old thing's any good, anyhow." "An airship Andy Foger sending away his airship?" gasped Tom. "Where to?" "Some place in Alaska," was the startling reply. "Pitka or Sitka, or some such place like that. It's all in these boxes, G'lang there!" this to his horses. "Andy sending his airship to Alaska!" murmured Tom in dismay.