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They would let nobody else sell to the King; and thus a grinding monopoly was established, to the great profit of those who held it. Mémoire sur les Fraudes commises dans la Colonie. Under the name of a trader named Claverie, Bigot, some time before the war, set up a warehouse on land belonging to the King and not far from his own palace.

Ite procul fraudes. God, I thank thee, that the innocent have been protected. Narrowly hast thou escaped these toils, O Jacob Cum populo et duce fraudulento. And now for punishment. Barnaby Bracegirdle, thou gavest this caricature to Mr Knapps; from whence hadst thou it? Lie not." Barnaby turned red and white, and then acknowledged that the drawing was his own.

Mémoire sur les Fraudes, etc. Another prominent name on the roll of knavery was that of Varin, commissary of marine, and Bigot's deputy at Montreal, a Frenchman of low degree, small in stature, sharp witted, indefatigable, conceited, arrogant, headstrong, capricious, and dissolute.

Howell, in his instructions for Foreign Travell, has said directly the reverse of what is ascribed to him: "I have beaten my brains," he tells us, "to make one sentence good Italian and congruous Latin, but could never do it; but in Spanish it is very feasible, as, for example, in this stanza: Infausta Graecia, tu paris gentes Lubricas, sed amicitias dolosas, Machinando fraudes cautilosas, Ruinando animas innocentes: which is good Latin enough; and yet is vulgar Spanish, intelligible to every plebeian."